There were fifty-three Mondays in 2018, beginning on January 1st and ending on December 31st, 2018. Which means some fifty-three writers stopped in and shared their most memorable meals here on EATING AUTHORS.
Below you’ll find an alphabetized list of 2018’s authors, with each name linking to the respective meal. My thanks to the many authors who shared their time and tastes last year, and thanks also to all of you who came by to dine with them.

A: Omar El Akkad, Michael Anderle, Dyrk Ashton :A
B: Richard Baker, Josiah Bancroft, Sue Burke, T. J. Berry, Gustavo Bondoni :B
C: Bryan Camp, Ryan Campbell, Gwendolyn Clare,
Russ Colchamiro, Liz Colter, Ellison Cooper :C
D: Indrapramit Das, Delilah S. Dawson, David Demchuk :D
F: Terri Favro, Jeremy Finley, Jason Franks :F
G: Jasmine Gower, Mareth Griffith, Leigh Grossman :G
H: Kate Heartfield, Leanna Renee Hieber :H
K: Christopher Kastensmidt, Chris Kennedy, Sarah Kuhn, Derek Künsken :K
L: William Ledbetter, Henry Lien, Jane Lindskold :L
M: Craig Martelle, J.D. Moyer, Michael Moreci :M
N: Jeannette Ng, Wendy Nikel :N
P: David Pedreira, Vina Prasad :P
R: Jessica Reisman, Rebecca Roanhorse , Kelly Robson, Amber Royer :R
S: S. L. Saboviec, Catherine Schaff-Stump, N. J. Schrock, Caitlin Seal,
Peng Shepherd, Delia Sherman, Andrea G. Stewart :S
T: R. J. Theodore, Brian Trent :T
W: Nick Wood :W

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Tags: Eating Authors