
Posts Tagged ‘Writing’

How Many “Books?” (as of October 2021)

No Comments » Written on October 18th, 2021 by
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The other day someone asked me how many books I’d written and I didn’t have a quick answer. Why? Well, “books” is a funny term, and it’s gotten funnier as publishing trends have changed. For purposes of this list, I’m not counting any of the books that I edited of other authors’ fiction, just things that I wrote or co-authored and that were published as a standalone product. This includes titles that run much shorter than a typical novel, such as chapbooks and novellas, and at the other end of spectrum things like omnibus editions that may bundle multiple novels into a single package. Likewise, I’m also including collections in this count. Further muddying comes about when a book is initially released by one publisher, goes out of print, and is brought back later by a different publisher, with or without alterations to the second version.

Here then is my list of books as of October 2021. The parenthetical ratios show the number still in print vs. the total number in each grouping.

2003-01-01 – Buffalogic, Inc. – SRM Publisher
2006-01-01 – Buffalogenesis – SRM Publisher
2008-01-01 – Buffalogistics – SRM Publisher
2018-10-01 – Creature Academy – Paper Golem LLC
2020-03-09 – Excerpts of Jorl ben Tral – Paper Golem LLC

2005-11-08 – Aliens and AIs – Eggplant Literary Productions
2010-08-23 – Sweet Potato Pie and Other Surrealities – Hadley Rille Books
2012-11-12 – Buffalito Buffet – Hadley Rille Books
2018-12-12 – Sweet Potato Pie – Paper Golem LLC
2019-07-21 – Buffalito Bundle – Paper Golem LLC
2020-07-02 – The Rule of Three – Paper Golem LLC
2020-10-12 – Openings without Closure – Paper Golem LLC
2020-12-10 – Eating Authors – Paper Golem LLC

NOVELLAS (8/12):
2012-08-03 – Barry’s Tale – Hadley Rille Books
2013-08-29 – Trial of the Century – Hadley Rille Books
2014-11-06 – Calendrical Regression – Noble Fusion Press
2017-11-09 – Barry’s Deal – Noble Fusion Press
2018-06-30 – Invasion (w/ Jonathan Brazee) – Semper Fi Press
2018-08-01 – Scorched Earth (w/ Jonathan Brazee) – Semper Fi Press
2018-09-05 – Bitter Harvest (w/ Jonathan Brazee) – Semper Fi Press
2019-07-31 – Calendrical Regression – Paper Golem LLC
2019-08-10 – Barry’s Tale – Paper Golem LLC
2019-08-28 – Barry’s Deal – Paper Golem LLC
2019-10-23 – Trial of the Century – Paper Golem LLC
2020-09-17 – Soup of the Moment – Paper Golem LLC

NOVELS (12/14):
2009-06-01 – Buffalito Destiny – Hadley Rille Books
2011-05-11 – Buffalito Contingency – Hadley Rille Books
2015-12-29 – Barsk: The Elephants’ Graveyard – Tor Books
2018-08-14 – Moons of Barsk – Tor Books
2019-09-25 – Buffalito Destiny – Paper Golem LLC
2019-11-24 – Buffalito Contingency – Paper Golem LLC
2020-01-06 – Fight or Flight (w/ Brian Thorne) – Paper Golem LLC
2020-02-13 – Alien Thrill Seeker (w/ Brian Thorne) – Paper Golem LLC
2020-04-09 – Anger Management (w/ Brian Thorne) – Paper Golem LLC
2020-07-28 – Ace of Corpses – Paper Golem LLC
2021-01-05 – Ace of Saints – Paper Golem LLC
2021-02-04 – Slice of Entropy – Paper Golem LLC
2021-03-31 – Pirates of Marz – Paper Golem LLC
2021-06-15 – Ace of Thralls – Paper Golem LLC

2018-10-07 – Seeds of War Trilogy – Semper Fi Press
2020-05-07 – Command Performance – Paper Golem LLC
2020-06-04 – Adrenaline Rush – Paper Golem LLC
2020-08-22 – Galactic Capers of the Amazing Conroy – Paper Golem LLC
2021-08-31 – Ace of Agency – Paper Golem LLC
2021-10-03 – Conroyverse – Paper Golem LLC

SRM Publisher is Steve Miller (aka co-author of the Liaden Universe) who generously introduced me to publishing chapbooks.
Eggplant Literary Productions is Raechel Henderson, a pioneer in SF digital publishing.
Hadley Rille Books is Eric T. Reynolds, a publisher of anthologies to whom I had sold numerous short stories, until one day we said “hey, we both want to publish novels,” and then we did just that.
Noble Fusion Press is Barbara Hill, workshop organizer extraordinaire.
Semper Fi Press is Col. Jonathan Brazee (ret.), who introduced me to the glory of the Indie life.
Paper Golem LLC was originally my small press, but I shut that down a couple years back and nowadays it is my personal imprint.

So, depending on how you count things, I’ve published some forty-five “books,” of which thirty-three still exist out in the world. Many more are planned (some are already written and just await publication).

My Tentative GenCon Writers’ Symposium 2016 Schedule

No Comments » Written on July 27th, 2016 by
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GenCon Writers' Symposium

Huh. Oh well, I thought this had posted to the blog a couple weeks ago, but apparently not. Soo…

And now for something completely different, in a calendar year that has had me bouncing around the country to an unprecedented number of conventions and bookstore signings — and beginning about two weeks before I head off to Kansas City for the Worldcon — I’m going to Indianapolis to take part in the GenCon Writers’ Symposium 2016.

And not just me, but dozens of brilliant authors (as well as some agents and editors) too. And, oh yeah, I think there’s a big gaming convention going on around us at the same time.

Anyway, here’s where you can find me:

Thursday, August 4th
9:00 a.m. (Capital 1) Special Event: Symposium Opening Ceremonies
With Marc Tassin

10:00 a.m. (Chamber) Short Fiction: Plotting Short Stories
With Donald J. Bingle, Gabrielle Harbowy, John Helfers (M), and Sunil Patel

2:00 p.m. (Chamber) Short Fiction: Where to Start the Story
With Marie Brennan, Steve Drew (M), Cat Rambo, and Peter Tieryas

Friday, August 5th
9:00 a.m. (Chamber) Marketing: Social Media 101
With Gwenda Bond, Joshua Alan Doetsch, Steve Drew (M), Melanie R. Meadors

1:00 p.m. (Causus) Writing Novels: Story Arcs that Drive the Reader
With Matt Forbeck, John Helfers (M), Jody Lynn Nye, and Aaron Rosenberg

2:00 p.m. (Capital 1) Character Craft: Characters That Aren’t Reflections of You
With Rachel Dunne, Susan J. Morris (M), Carrie Patel, and Aaron Rosenberg

5:00 p.m. (Cabinet) Writer’s Craft: How to make your alien language alien

Saturday, August 6th
12:00 p.m. (Chamber) Writer’s Craft: Fun Story, Smart Message
With James Lowder, Christoper Rowe, Aaron Rosenberg, and Gregory A. Wilson (M)

5:00 p.m. (Congress II) Reading
With Sunil Patel

As always, all of the above can change, from topics to timing to the people listed. If I become aware of any major changes prior to the event, I’ll do my best to post a “final” schedule.

See you at GenCon!

Now available for purchase: PANGAEA

No Comments » Written on September 29th, 2015 by
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From the mind of editor Michael Jan Friedman, made possible by the generosity of more than three hundred Kickstarter backers, and featuring the talents of fourteen experienced authors, I am beyond pleased to inform you that Pangaea is now available!

From the back cover:

At least four times in Earth’s history, the continents have come sliding together to form a single mass—a super-continent. Geologists have dubbed the most recent such formation Pangaea. Of course, Pangaea broke up a long time ago, and because it did, different portions of mankind developed in drastically different climes and circumstances. But what if we were living on one of the super-continents? What if all of humanity was confined to a single landmass… and had been so confined for all of our recorded history?

Read the rest of this entry »

Novelocity – Favorite Parts of the Writing Process

No Comments » Written on February 6th, 2015 by
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My apologies. I’ve been a bit lax when it comes to putting up posts when a new Vector shows up at Novelocity.

The current topic is our favorite parts of the writing process.

Here’re my thoughts on the topic, written back in January:

I’ve just finished responding to the copyedits of my next novel, and that may be biasing my answer, but I have to say it was at one and the same time a terrifying and giddy experience.

The terrifying part (at least for me) stems from the uncertainty when first looking at page after page of notes and comments and corrections. Is the copyeditor going to find huge, gaping holes, or embarrassing bits of grammatical flaws, or perhaps just not get the point of the book or the voice and style.

The giddying part though (again, at least for me) is seeing how someone new responds to the book, and realizing how the copyedits actually improve the reading experience and make me look damn clever!

But that’s just me. To see how the others in our little group responded, just head on over to Novelocity.

A September 2013 Interview of Me

2 comments Written on September 6th, 2013 by
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Well, I’m finally home from the joys of Texas, thank you very much.

In celebration of this, I awoke to email from Lucy Pireel, who informs me that the interview she did with me some weeks back has gone live on her blog.

So, if you missed hearing me bloviate in San Antonio, or felt you didn’t get quite enough, check it out.

Here’s the link: http://lucypireel.wordpress.com/2013/09/06/featured-author-lawrence-schoen/.

Lawrence’s mid-LoneStarCon3 Update

No Comments » Written on September 1st, 2013 by
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Welcome to September, and Day Four of the Worldcon. Here’s where you can find me for the next two days:

11:00 a.m. (Art Show) – Art Show Docent Tour K
The K stands for Klingon. I’ll be leading confused convention attendees through the show, giving them my perspective on what speaks to a Klingon warrior’s heart. I’m told I will have a balloon tethered to my wrist (you know, just like they do on the Klingon homeworld).

1:00 p.m. (Conference 4, Rivercenter) – Writers’ Workshop Section Q
Matthew Johnson and I will be providing critique to three brave writers. Note: this is not a spectator sport. Only the five of us will be there. But, hey, I thought you’d want to know about it.

5:00 p.m. (007B, Convention Center) – First Contact Without a Universal Translator
Karl Schroeder, Paige E. Ewing, and I will be taunt the audience with our ideas of how to go about making alien contact without any common language elements.

9:00 a.m. (Lobby, Rivercenter – or maybe Riverwalk?) – Strolling with the Stars
My second stroll of the convention. Start your last day with a gentle walk while you chat with such luminaries as James L. Cambias, Shanna Swendson, Howard Tayler, Mel White, David Boop, Toni Weisskopf, Gini Koch, and John Berlyne. Pose for a photo with Barry too, because he loves you!

12:00 p.m. (Exhibit Hall A, Convention Center) – Literary Beer
Sign up to come and hang out with me (and Barry) for an hour and watch me drink a diet coke. I’ll be brining an extra plush buffalito with me to this event and it will go home with one lucky attendee!

WSFS Small Press Award Nomination 2013

3 comments Written on August 25th, 2013 by
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We interrupt your otherwise peaceful Sunday afternoon to share the news that for the second year in a row I have been nominated for the WSFA Small Press Award. This time the nomination is for “Coca Xocolatl,” from ReDeus: Divine Tales, edited by Robert Greenberger and Aaron Rosenberg (Crazy Eight Press), the first volume of the ReDeus shared universe series.

My thanks to both Bob and Aaron, not only for accepting my story into their anthology, but for creating such a cool world in which to write (I’ve continued the same character with stories in the subsequent two volumes, both of which came out this year).

This is a very wonderful way to begin the last week of August, and to send me off to San Antonio for an awesome Worldcon.

The winner will be announced at Capclave, which runs October 11-13, 2013.

Other nominees include:

“Astrophilia” by Carrie Vaughn.
“The Bookmaking Habits of Select Species” by Ken Liu.
“Bottled Spirits” by Pamela K. Kinney.
“Good Hunting” by Ken Liu.
“Mornington Ride” by Jason Nahrung.
“The Six Million Dollar Mermaid” by Hildy Silverman.

I’m really pleased to be on this list again, and to once more get to represent the small press. I was already planning on attending Capclave, and I’m looking forward to seeing the other nominees there too.

Now It Can Be Told!

No Comments » Written on August 3rd, 2013 by
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Down around Baltimore, MD this weekend is the S.F. Media convention known as Shore Leave. It’s a particularly rambunctious event this time around as they have both William Shatner and Brent Spiner appearing.

I went down yesterday to be part of the mass signing and book release of the third volume in the ReDeus shared universe series (ReDeus: Native Lands), which I posted about yesterday. That bit ran from 10:00 pm to midnight, and then we all adjourned to the bar for a couple hours until closing time. I drove home and managed to crawl into bed at about 4:00 a.m. today.

But that’s not what today’s post is about.

Prior to the 10:00 signing, there was a program item at 9:00 featuring Marco Palmieri and Greg Cox, two editors at Tor Books. They did a presentation of some recent and upcoming titles from Tor. Near the end, Marco made a little announcement. I had planned to hold off sharing this news publicly until such time as the ink on all the paperwork had dried, but apparently my editor and my agent agreed it was fine. So…

*** insert trumpets here ***

I am very pleased to announce that Tor Books is buying a novel from me. Despite my having published four books through Hadley Rille Books, a small press out of Kansas City, Tor considers me a “debut author.” That’s fine. And while I’ve been very pleased with the my relationship with Eric Reynolds of HRB, going from a small press to the largest publisher of SF in the country is a jump of one or more orders of magnitude in nearly all ways.

And because I’m now finishing up a book for a major publisher, I needed to have a proper agent to handle all the pesky details of contracts that weren’t based on a simple handshake. After far more choices than I probably deserve, I’m delighted to say I am now represented by John Silbersack of the Trident Media Group.

Or to put it another way: this changes everything in my life. It’s the opportunity I’ve been working toward for about two decades, and I’m grabbing hold of it with both hands!

The rest of 2013 is going to be a wild ride. The finished manuscript is due in New York at the beginning of February, and personally I’d like to get it in a month early. Other plans are being reviewed, reorganized, re-evaluated (and in some instances, rejected) as my priorities shift to put this front and center. So if I seem even busier and harder to get ahold of for the rest of the year, this is why.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go and put my ass back in the chair and hammer out some more words.