
Posts Tagged ‘Writing’

Who doesn’t love fan mail?

No Comments » Written on June 29th, 2013 by
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So yesterday I received a nice bit of fan mail (okay, fan email, but hey, it’s the 21st century, right?) comparing the reading of Buffalito Destiny to a good meal that you want to draw out as long as possible.

Thanks. A very gratifying thing to receive, particularly when I’ve got a long weekend of editing ahead of me.

This is what made me happy today

No Comments » Written on June 3rd, 2013 by
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Worldcon Neck Wallet

Back on Memorial Day, while I was basking in the warm afterglow that was ConQuesT, I began thinking ahead to the Worldcon and realized that I wanted a better badge holder. All too often, in my experience, badges come on lanyards that spin and twist, and half the time the damn thing is facing the wrong way. Speaking as someone who has gone through life with a major deficit when it comes to recalling names and faces, being able to glance at someone’s badge and realize “oh, I know this person!” is a huge help (not to mention a boon to saving face).

Of course I cannot control what other convention guests and attendees will do to ensure their own badges are readable not until my plans for world domination come to fruition, I can at least make life easier for others who are trying to figure out what my name is (this is a purely hypothetical situation, as surely no one who has met me could possibly forget my name; ahem).

And so I set off on my quest, which is a nice way of saying I sat in front of my laptop, opened a browser window, and signed on to eBay. And lo, I found a lovely and practical and inexpensive neckwallet. The model I chose not only has a clear plastic slot for displaying the actual convention badge, but two zippered pouches, one in back and one inside. You read that right, inside, because this puppy opens up (you know, like a wallet) where it has slots for credit cards and IDs on one side — one of which has a plastic display window — and the afore-mentioned second zippered pouch on the facing side, which I didn’t previously mention also has a plastic window. The wallet closes tightly with a bit of velcro (hey, who doesn’t love velcro?), and the whole thing is reinforced with a quarter-inch, double-stitched border, front and back.

And, because I knew I’d want to affix the “shinies” along the top edge, as long as I was on eBay I went searching for some pin-locks and found a nice pack that came with the necessary allen wrench. I bought both items and together they came to less than ten bucks (including shipping). Both packages arrived today and you can see the assembled result in the photo.

It’s a small thing, but it made me very happy. 😀 If you’d like to see it in person, I plan on sporting it at the Worldcon (aka LoneStarCon3) in San Antonio this summer.

And for those of you playing along at home, the “shinies” are, from right to left:

  1. the pin Jay Lake commissioned and which is now given out to all Campbell (not a Hugo) Award nominees.
  2. the Hugo pin I received for my Campbell nomination in 2007 (which was prior to Jay’s creation of the other pin, and just because it’s been superseded I’ll be damned if I’m going to stop wearing a fairly acquired rocket pin!).
  3. the Hugo pin I received for my nomination for best short story of 2010.
  4. the official badge of the Klingon Language Institute (just because, okay?).
  5. the Nebula pin I received last month for my nomination for best novella of 2012.

Preparing for June – Facial Hair Edition

1 Comment » Written on May 29th, 2013 by
Categories: News

I’ve been doing a lot of traveling in the last couple of weeks, but now I’m home for a while and I have oceans of stuff that I want to get done, including several writing projects. Which is why I’m starting the month of June a bit early. Actually, I began it on Tuesday. While the rest of you were observing May 28th, I was marking June -3. Call it an enhancement to the month. I’m thinking I’ll be extra productive, what with having a few more days in the month.

But then tonight I realized that wasn’t going to be enough. I needed something more… or rather, something less. If I was going to have a truly productive and effective (enhanced) month of June, I had to cut way back on the facial hair. Which I have now done. And so, for your viewing pleasure, below are the Before and After photos, as managed by my cell phone earlier tonight.


And let me just add: Watch out, June, I’ve got plans!

And now for some pimping, shared universe style

No Comments » Written on April 14th, 2013 by
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As you know (and I’m talking to you, Bob), last year my story “Coca Xocolātl” appeared in the shared universe anthology ReDeus: Divine Tales. I had a lot of fun writing that story, so when the editors decided to do a second volume of future tales set after The Return, I promptly got in line.

That new book is entitled ReDeus: Beyond Borders, and it comes out next month. In the meantime, the fine folks at Crazy8 Press have invited the book’s contributors to yammer a bit, and yours truly is up first.

So now you can follow this link over to their site and read what I have to tell you about the continuing saga of Matlal Alejandro Garcia y Fuentes, professor emeritus and representative of the Aztec God Huehuecoyotl. But I warn you, as soon as you do, you’re going to want to buy the book!

My Final, I Promise, It’s The Last (unless it’s not) 2012 Worldcon Schedule

No Comments » Written on August 25th, 2012 by
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Just a couple additions to my previously posted schedule, specifically when you can find me sitting at the SFWA Table in the Dealers Room.

Wednesday, August 29th:
noon – 11:00 (Addams) Klingon Language for Newbies

Thursday, August 30th:
3:00 – 4:30 (Kaffeeklatsche 1) Kaffeeklatsche
4:30 – 6:00 (Autograph Tables) Autographing

Friday, August 31st
9:00 – 10:30 (Offsite ) Strolling with the Stars
noon – 1:30 (Grand Suite 3) Iron Chef: Flash Fiction (M)
1:30 – 3:00 (Wright ) “To Be” or Not “To Be”: Constructed Languages in SF&F
3:00 – 3:30 (Fan Lounge) Writer Under Glass #23
4:00 – 4:30 (Addams ) Reading

Saturday, September 1st
09:00 – 10:30 (Offsite ) Codex Breakfast
1:30 – 3:00 (Wrigley) How to Speak Klingon
3:30 – 5:00 (Dealers Room) Signing at the SFWA Table

Sunday, September 2nd
9:00 – 10:30 (Offsite) Strolling with the Stars
3:30 – 5:00 (Dealers Room) Volunteering at the SFWA Table
8:00 – 11:00 (Grand Ballroom) Hugo Awards

Monday, September 3rd
10:00 – noon (Sandburg) Writers’ Workshop -Section U
4:01 – next several days (offsite) Recovery Time – Enjoying the City of my Birth!

And again, I won’t be attending the SFWA Business Meeting because I’m running the Codex Breakfast which is at the same time.

Since I’ll be giving away copies of my new Amazing Conroy novella, “Barry’s Tale,” I decided that I should do something totally different during my read. Barry himself will still be present, and some lucky attendee will get a free buffalito plushie just for showing up, but I’m going to read from my recently published story “Coca Xocalatl” in the new ReDeus shared world anthology. Because, who doesn’t want to come and hear me mangle the names of half a dozen ancient Aztec gods?

Looking forward to seeing all of you (and yes, especially you!) in Chicago.

New and Improved 2012 Worldcon Schedule

No Comments » Written on August 15th, 2012 by
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This is probably my final schedule for Chicon. Of course, the moment I post this I’m jinxing myself and doubtless there’ll be a change, but you know what I mean.

Wednesday, August 29th:
noon – 11:00 (Addams) Klingon Language for Newbies

Thursday, August 30th:
3:00 – 4:30 (Kaffeeklatsche 1) Kaffeeklatsche
4:30 – 6:00 (Autograph Tables) Autographing

Friday, August 31st
9:00 – 10:30 (Offsite ) Strolling with the Stars
noon – 1:30 (Grand Suite 3) Iron Chef: Flash Fiction (M)
1:30 – 3:00 (Wright ) “To Be” or Not “To Be”: Constructed Languages in SF&F
3:00 – 3:30 (Fan Lounge) Writer Under Glass #23
4:00 – 4:30 (Addams ) Reading

Saturday, September 1st
09:00 – 10:30 (Offsite ) Codex Breakfast
1:30 – 3:00 (Wrigley) How to Speak Klingon

Sunday, September 2nd
9:00 – 10:30 (Offsite) Strolling with the Stars
8:00 – 11:00 (Grand Ballroom) Hugo Awards

Monday, September 3rd
10:00 – noon (Sandburg) Writers’ Workshop -Section U
4:01 – next several days (offsite) Recovery Time – Enjoying the City of my Birth!

I won’t be attending the SFWA Business Meeting because someone decided to schedule it opposite the Codex Breakfast (which has been set since early June), and since I’m the fellow who organizes that breakfast, I’m going to be there! At some point though, I’ll be working the SFWA table in the dealers’ room, and possibly even pretending to sign autographs there.

What hasn’t changed from my last schedule draft is my plan to wander the convention with my faithful plush promotional device, Barry, riding on my shoulder. I’ll be handing out postcards for free copies of his eponymous novella “Barry’s Tale” and even giving away similar plushies to some members of the audience at my reading, Kaffeeklatsch, and Autographing session (and maybe elsewhere too so come up to me when I’m strolling, you might get lucky!). Also be sure to ask for a photo with Barry at any time during the convention. He has his own Facebook and Google+ pages, and he needs images to post.

2012 Worldcon Schedule (a first look)

4 comments Written on August 1st, 2012 by
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One of the ways to predict the quality of a convention is by how far in advance they send out preliminary schedules to their participants. Chicon 7 sent me mine today, four full weeks before the start of the convention.

I have no doubt there’ll be some changes. Some of my co-panelists will slip away and others will show up in their stead, rooms may change, and times surely will, but all in all, having a glimpse of what I can expect this far in advance is a clear sign that this worldcon is going to be awesome!

Wednesday, August 29th:
noon – 11:00 Klingon Language for Newbies

Thursday, August 30th:
9:00 – 10:00 Strolling with the Stars
3:00 – 4:30 Kaffeeklatsche
4:30 – 6:00 Autographing

Friday, August 31st
noon – 1:30 Iron Chef: Flash Fiction (M)
3:00 – 3:30 Writer Under Glass #23
4:00 – 4:30 Reading

Saturday, September 1st
09:00 – 10:30 Codex Breakfast
10:30 – noon Another View on Character Building
1:30 – 3:00 How to Speak Klingon

Sunday, September 2nd
9:00 – 10:00 Strolling with the Stars
noon – 1:30 Introduction to Linguistics
8:00 – 11:00 Hugo Awards

Monday, September 3rd
10:00 – noon Writers’ Workshop -Section U
4:01 – next several days Recovery Time – Enjoying the City of my Birth!

The actual schedule for Strolling with the Stars hasn’t gone out yet, but I’ve included my best guess above. Likewise, the day and time of the SFWA Meeting has yet to be announced, but if I had to guess I’d say it will happen just after lunch on Sunday. Stay tuned to see if I’m right, because if I am I’ll either have to miss it, or the Linguistics panel will end up moved to a different time.

As always, you can expect to see my faithful plush promotional device, Barry, riding on my shoulder during the convention. But this year, Barry is not alone. I’ll give one away to some lucky Buffalito Wrangler who comes to my reading, another at my Kaffeeklatsch, and at least one more to someone who comes to my Autographing session with three or more books for me to sign (yes, I know, I’m shameless, but you also know you want a plush buffalo dog of your very own, complete with a tiny blue tongue!). Also be sure to ask for a photo with Barry at any time during the convention. He has his own Facebook and Google+ pages, and he needs images to post.

ReDeus: Coca Xocalātl

2 comments Written on July 19th, 2012 by
Categories: Gallery, Plugs
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ReDeus width=

I’ve received word that the new shared universe anthology, ReDeus: Divine Tales has gone to press. We’ll have the book available on Friday, August 3rd, at Shore Leave (as well as a majority of the contributors on hand to autograph your copy).

As such, I thought I’d tell you a bit more about my story in the book. It’s entitled “Coca Xocalātl” and is the tale of an eighty-five year old professor emeritus from the linguistics department of a university in San Diego, California. Except now San Diego has been reclaimed as a state of Mexico (along with portions of Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas). Why? Because the Aztec gods said so! But I digress.

Professor Garcia y Fuentes is more or less content to live out the rest of his days puttering around in the basement of the university’s library. He has his correspondence with former students and colleagues, he has articles to review for professional journals, and he has dead languages to tinker with. But if he’s allowed to do that, then there’s no story. So…

Instead, our good professor unwittingly draws the attention of one of the gods, Huehuecoyotl, aka Old Man Coyote. And while this isn’t quite the familiar trickster god of American folklore, he is still very much a trickster and he has plans for our professor. Oh my yes.

As for the title? It’s what you get when you mix Coca Cola with traditional (as in the year 1400, you know, old school) “hot chocolate,” or rather, it’s what you get if a god mixes it for you.

I leave you now with the stunning illustration that Carmen Carnero created to go with my story. Just outstanding!