
Posts Tagged ‘Kickstarter’

A Stupid Reason for a Kickstarter

13 comments Written on December 13th, 2013 by
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Schoen Drive, Lawrence, IN

The town of Lawrence, Indiana, lies about twelve miles south south-east of Indianapolis. In this town there is a short, curling street, a single block in length: Schoen Dr.

If I owned a home on that street I would be Dr. Lawrence Schoen living on Schoen Dr. in Lawrence, IN.

Many of the houses on this street sell in the $40-60K range. Many are in foreclosure.

Clearly I must acquire a house on this street, if for no other reason than to confound the post office with my mailing address.

I don’t know what I’d do with such a home (I live in eastern PA, after all), but that’s not the point. Nor does it matter that I don’t have a spare sixty grand laying around (I already looked under the mattress — no luck). Surely this is what Kickstarter exists for, right? Right?

This is a stupid idea wrapped around a stupid idea. Which means… it could actually work.

Please talk me out of this.

Kickstarter Recommendation: Sandra Tayler – The Strength of Wild Horses

No Comments » Written on December 4th, 2013 by
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The Strength of Wild Horses

Sandra Tayler is a very talented author. She writes brilliant blog posts about parenting. And she’s responsible for the administrative and distribution side of the highly successful Schlock Mercenary comic business.

She’s running a Kickstarter project for her second children’s book, The Strength of Wild Horses, stunningly illustrated by Angela Call. The book is about Amy, a girl who gets into trouble and who learns that the same ideas which causes her troubles can also provide solutions. As Sandra describes it, “It is a book for every child (or adult) who needs to understand that being strong and creative can make the world a better place.”

At the time of my posting this, Sandra’s Kickstarter has barely a day left. I’m delighted to tell you that it’s already funded and the world will get to see this book. So the main goal has been accomplished. But… with a bit more support the project will reach its first Stretch Goal and everyone will win that much more.

Go to the site and check it out. You can even download a complimentary PDF of Sandra’s first book, Hold on to Your Horses.

The Strength of Wild Horses

For a pledge of as little as $5, you will get a PDF Of the new book.

For a pledge of $15, you’ll get a physical copy of the book shipped to you.

For a pledge of $25, you’ll get physical copies of both the previous and the new book, or you can opt for one of the other $25 support choices (there are several to choose among).

If you have more money to throw around, then there are higher pledge levels, and I encourage you to review them and avail yourself of them.

If you have children, and want something wonderful to read to them, then support this kickstarter.

If you have children, and want to inspire and empower them, then support this kickstarter.

And if you just like smart words and pretty pictures, then support this kickstarter.

I did.