
Posts Tagged ‘Awards’

Eating Authors: Zen Cho (Campbell Award nominee)

No Comments » Written on July 1st, 2013 by
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Zen Cho

It’s July (but you knew that) here at EATING AUTHORS, and that means something special. It’s the month where we focus on those authors who have been nominated for the coveted John W. Campbell (not a Hugo) Award for Best New Writer that will be handed out at the World Science Fiction Convention in San Antonio, TX this year. Authors only have a narrow, two-year eligibility window for this prize, and for many that period comes and goes without them even noticing they had a shot. For this reason, and because I had the great fortune to have been nominated myself for this thing back in the day, I’m happy to do my part to increase the signal about the award.

Of the five nominees this year, four are in their second year of eligibility and two were actually nominated last year (Mur Lafferty and Stina Leicht). These two fine authors have already done a stint here at EATING AUTHORS, so they won’t get a repeat — I choose to take them at their respective words from last year as to their most memorable meal — but do take a moment to click on their names, (re)read their gustatory recollections, and familiarize yourself with their work. The point of this month’s posts is to introduce you to some new talent that you might not know about, and motivate you to vote (if you’re in a position to do so) for this award.

That said, over the next three Mondays we’ll hear from the remaining nominees. We begin this week with Zen Cho, who describes herself as a Malaysian author living in London. Her short story “First National Forum on the Position of Minorities in Malaysia” was a finalist in the Selangor Young Talent Awards in 2011, and has also been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. Like many Campbell nominees, she’s made it to the ballot on the strength of her short fiction, but she recently completed a novel and I’m sure we’ll see more in the future. In the meantime, check out “The Terracotta Bride” in the Torquere Press anthology, Steam Powered 2: More Lesbian Steampunk Stories, edited by JoSelle Vanderhooft, as well as “The Four Generations of Chang E” in Aliens: Recent Encounters, edited by Alex Dally MacFarlane and released last month from Prime Books.

Read the rest of this entry »

2013 Hugo Awards Announced

No Comments » Written on March 30th, 2013 by
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The word went out at four different conventions, but as I was at none of them I had to find out about it via the internet. In case you haven’t heard yet, here are the particulars of primary interest to authors:

Best Novel
2312, Kim Stanley Robinson (Orbit)
Blackout, Mira Grant (Orbit)
Captain Vorpatril’s Alliance, Lois McMaster Bujold (Baen)
Redshirts: A Novel with Three Codas, John Scalzi (Tor)
Throne of the Crescent Moon, Saladin Ahmed (DAW)

Best Novella
After the Fall, Before the Fall, During the Fall, Nancy Kress (Tachyon Publications)
The Emperor’s Soul, Brandon Sanderson (Tachyon Publications)
On a Red Station, Drifting, Aliette de Bodard (Immersion Press)
San Diego 2014: The Last Stand of the California Browncoats, Mira Grant (Orbit)
“The Stars Do Not Lie”, Jay Lake (Asimov’s, Oct-Nov 2012)

Best Novelette
“The Boy Who Cast No Shadow”, Thomas Olde Heuvelt (Postscripts: Unfit For Eden, PS Publications)
“Fade To White”, Catherynne M. Valente ( Clarkesworld, August 2012)
“The Girl-Thing Who Went Out for Sushi”, Pat Cadigan (Edge of Infinity, Solaris)
“In Sea-Salt Tears”, Seanan McGuire (Self-published)
“Rat-Catcher”, Seanan McGuire ( A Fantasy Medley 2, Subterranean)

Best Short Story
“Immersion”, Aliette de Bodard ( Clarkesworld, June 2012)
“Mantis Wives”, Kij Johnson (Clarkesworld, August 2012)
“Mono no Aware”, Ken Liu (The Future is Japanese, VIZ Media LLC)

The John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer
Zen Cho
Max Gladstone
Mur Lafferty
Stina Leicht
Chuck Wendig

Congratulations to all nominees!

I’ll be sitting in the audience in San Antonio waiting to see who walks away with a shiny rocket!

Hugo Nomination Deadline! What are you waiting for?

No Comments » Written on March 9th, 2013 by
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There’s a bit over 24 hours left before the window closes for submitting nominations for this year’s Hugo (and Campbell) Awards.

Depending on how cynical you are, you can see this reminder as one of two things.

It could be a selfless public service announcement exhorting you to participate in the process, because seriously, while the number of Worldcon members who vote has increased significantly in the last few years (due in no small part I suspect to the success of the electronic packet of free books that is worth several times the cost of a membership), far fewer people bother to involve themselves in the nomination process. This is your chance to help shape what we will all look back on as the Hugo-winners, so please take the time to let your voice be heard.


Oh, wait, I said this post could be two things, didn’t I? Well, the other thing would be yet another shameless reminder that my novella, “Barry’s Tale” is eligible for nomination. You may have heard of it, it’s already been nominated for the Nebula Award. And, as you know, Bob, the infinite worlds hypothesis assures us that there exists (or will exist) a future in which my novella wins both awards and I get to walk around insufferably with a big lucite bookend and a shiny metal rocket. All the while Barry (that’s him in the photo) rides triumphantly on my shoulder, chortling like a very satisfied plushie. But to guide us toward that one shining future amidst all the myriad realities, I would need your nominational help.

Yeah… I’m going to officially say I’m posting this because of the first reason. Really. Of course, that infinite worlds things also means there’s a place where the second reason holds sway. But that’s not this reality, right?

Best Fan Writer Hugo Nomination? Moi?

No Comments » Written on March 3rd, 2013 by
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It has been brought to my attention that there are some people out there in the world (and by “world” I of course mean the population of genre fans and pros who are responsible for all that’s good and just) who, due to my weekly blog feature, Eating Authors, insist that I am eligible, and should be considered for, nomination in the Best Fan Writer category for this year’s Hugo Awards.

My reaction was, “Huh!”

To elaborate: while I would certainly not turn down such a nomination, and would be exceedingly chuffed to receive it, there is no doubt in my mind that folks can do much better than to put my name on such a list.

Those of you who aren’t as stunned by the notion as I was, thank you for your kind thoughts. I’m flattered, honored, and all those other emotions associated with people who typically have far less ego than me. Truly.

But speaking of ego, if you’re still enamored of my blog series, take that good will in hand and carry it over to the Novella section of the Hugo nomination ballot. There’s a spot there where my name (and the title “Barry’s Tale”) might actually have a shot. Maybe. If bunches of other people die (horribly or otherwise, and no, I have nothing to do with it if it happens, just sayin’).


Using Hypnotic Mind Control, aka Award Deadlines

No Comments » Written on March 1st, 2013 by
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Welcome to March!


I don’t know about you, but I’m expecting it to be a very busy month with lots of crazy things happening involving or resolving what I’m going to be doing for the rest of the year in terms of my day job, my writing, and yes, even my work as a hypnotist. But you don’t have to worry about any of that. No, you’re only job is to watch the pretty spiral for a few minutes.

You see, March is also the month that members of SFWA submit their final ballots for the Nebula Award. And because of my self-serving use of my powers of evil mind control, I’m sitting here with a nomination for Best Novella for “Barry’s Tale.” In addition, the deadline for nominating works for this year’s Hugo Awards is coming up fast on March 10th, and it would be a shame to have gotten the Nebula nom and not have a matching Hugo nom, so…

Just relax, stare at the spiral, open up the appropriate window in your browser, and let your conscious mind drift off into bliss while your unconscious mind does my bidding. That’s right. I would add a maniacal laugh here, but I don’t want to distract you from your trance.

Oh, what the heck, you’re already done voting by now. Bwahahahaha!

Also, thank you.

“Barry’s Tale” is on the Nebula Ballot!

No Comments » Written on February 20th, 2013 by
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The bad news is that I’ve been home sick since Monday. I’m feeling better, but about all I’ve done for the past couple of days is sleep. Ugh.

The good news is that the SFWA announced the results of the recent Nebula nominations, and my novella, “Barry’s Tale” has made the ballot.

This is probably where I should begin practicing the line about “it’s an honor just being nominated” — and it is! — because the competition in my category is fierce: Aliette de Bodard (whose work in the last couple of years has been blowing me away!), Nancy Kress (with whom I studied at Taos, her teachings made my novella possible in the first place), Jay Lake (whom I have known since we were both just starting out and love like a brother), Ken Liu (who has been kicking ass and taking names left and right), and Robert Reed (whose got more than 200 professional sales, and a Hugo to boot).

I’m positively giddy to see my work alongside novellae by these people. Giddy, I tell you. So giddy, I’m thinking of getting a tuxedo (and a matching one for Barry, of course) to wear to the Nebula Awards Banquet.

Congratulations to the many other fine authors who have been nominated this day:

For Best Novel: Saladin Ahmed, Tina Connolly, N.K. Jemisin, Caitlín R. Kiernan, Mary Robinette Kowal, and Kim Stanley Robinson.

For Best Novelette: Catherine Asaro, Andy Duncan, Ken Liu, Brit Mandelo, Meghan McCarron, Rachel Swirsky, and Catherynne M. Valente.

For Best Short Story: Helena Bell, Aliette de Bodard, Tom Crosshill, Leah Cypess, Maria Dahvana Headley, Ken Liu, and Cat Rambo.

For the Andre Norton Award: Kelly Barnhill, Holly Black, Leah Bobet, Libba Bray, Sarah Beth Durst, Rachel Hartman, Alethea Kontis, David Levithan, Guadalupe Garcia McCall, China Miéville, E.C. Myers, and Jenn Reese.

Hypnotic Updates and a Reminder

No Comments » Written on February 13th, 2013 by
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Recently I’ve been spending time (six days, actually) up in New York City taking courses and getting certified in the area of conversational hypnosis. Things went very well, and I’m happy to announce that I am now a certified hypnotherapist!


Not to worry though, I promise to use my powers for good (mostly). In fact, in addition to gaining some added verisimilitude for my fictional tales of the Amazing Conroy, my intention is to develop materials that make use of hypnosis to help writers with the sort of problems we all tend to phase (e.g., motivation, writer’s block, hating the book we’re in the middle of). I’ll be easing into this slowly, but bit by bit you’ll be able find audio files for these sorts of things available for free at www.hypnosis4writers.com.

Mind you, while audio files can be very effective, they pale compared to what hypnosis can accomplish in a more interactive setting. So as 2013 unfolds I expect I’ll be offering sessions for small groups of writers at various conventions. As well as one-on-one appointments, as circumstances allow.

Oh, and as long as I have your attention, this is a good time to remind you of a couple things:


If you’re a member of SFWA (Associate, Active, or Lifetime), the deadline to submit your Nebula nominations is fast approaching.

And given that you’ve been staring at the swirling image on this page (hey, I said “mostly” for good), I should also remind you that my novella, “Barry’s Tale,” published last November in the collection Buffalito Buffet from small press Hadley Rille, is eligible for your consideration. Thanks.

Also, call your mother.

Now, you won’t remember any of this, not consciously. That’s right, you’re going to forget. Even after you finish reading this page, you’ll remember that you’re going to forget. In time, you’ll have forgotten that you remembered to forget, and that’s as it should be, but don’t worry about remembering that, because once you’ve forgotten to remember to forget that you’ve forgotten to remember, it means you’ll have remembered to forget that you’ve remembered what you’d forgotten…

WSFS Small Press Award Nomination 2012

No Comments » Written on September 1st, 2012 by
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We interrupt my Worldcon-induced absence from this blog with the news that I apparently have been nominated for the WSFA Small Press Award, for my story “Yesterday’s Taste” which appeared in Transtories, edited by the late Colin Harvey, and published by Aeon Press, back in October 2011. You can download a free PDF of this story from my Freebies page.

As I’m sure you can imagine, I am merrily chuffed. A fine bit of news to receive in the midst of a Worldcon.

The winner will be announced at Capclave, which runs October 12-14, 2012.

Other nominees include:

“A Militant Peace” by David Klecha and Tobias S. Buckell.
“Flowers in the Shadow of the Garden” by Joanne Anderton.
“Lessons from a Clockwork Queen” by Megan Arkenberg.
“Sauerkraut Station” by Ferrett Steinmetz.
“The Cartographer Wasps and the Anarchist Bees” by Lily Yu.
“The Patrician” by Tansy Rayner Roberts.
“What Ho, Automaton!” by Chris Dolley.

I’m flattered to see my work in such company, and I hope all of these authors will be coming to Capclave. I know I’ll be there.