
Posts Tagged ‘Authors’

Congratulations Nebula Nominees!

No Comments » Written on February 20th, 2019 by
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Nebula Conference

The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America has released the list of finalists for this year’s Nebula Awards. It’s an especially powerful ballot, bearing a stellar list of incredible work and talented authors.

Congratulations to all of the nominees! I hope you’ll all be able to attend this year’s conference in southern California. All evidence suggests that the Events Team has outdone themselves and we are in for the very best conference yet.

I’ll confess, part of my delight at this year’s list of finalists stems from seeing my own name listed as a nominee for Best Novelette for “The Rule of Three.” I am exceedingly proud of this piece. I believe it’s the best thing I’ve ever written at less than novel length, and it shows the maturation of my abilities as an author over the years.

This is my sixth Nebula nomination in seven years, and my first for novelette. The competition is particular fierce, and as always, win or lose, it really is an honor to find my work listed among such incredible writers.

But I didn’t get there by myself, and I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge and express my gratitude to the people who’s efforts contributed to my nomination.

Zangaogao Terraces

I wrote “The Rule of Three” in response to a visit to Guizhou, China. I was part of the first Danzhai workshop sponsored by the Future Affairs Administration and the Wanda Group. My experiences there will live forever in my memory, as will the incredible conversations I had with Derek Künsken, Kelly Robson, Alyx Dellamonica, Lucia Liu, Bo Jiang, Lucia Liu, Bao Shu, and especially Vera Sun, and FAA co-founder Ji Shaoting, all of which contributed to the shaping of the novelette.

Alex Shvartsman, longtime friend, convention roommate, and editor of Future Science Fiction Digest bought the story and featured it as the premiere piece in the first issue of the online magazine. His backing and belief in the novelette, basically launching the magazine with it, means more to me than I can properly express, and his continuous championing of it has been wonderful. He’s also responsible for catching a glitch in which my software (not me, I tell you, it was the software) deleted one scene and duplicated another in the manuscript. Good catch, Alex!

Elektra Hammond was my copyeditor on this novelette and she’s great. Really, it’s that simple. She’s come to know my voice from her work on other projects of mine (most notably both books in my Barsk series) and I believe that makes a huge difference. Thank you, Elektra.

Wulf Moon produced the podcast version of the novelette, doubtless providing greater saturation and allowing the work to reach more people than the print version could. He asked all the right questions and his results were excellent. Thanks, Wulf.

And finally, 脱团猫 (aka Isaac), has been handling the translation of “The Rule of Three” into Chinese. Like Alex, he also caught the twin problems of a duplicated and missing scene (and thankfully, I had the fix in hand about a day before he did so I could send it to him). His comments have been insightful and helped shaped the final manuscript before Alex published it, and will surely yield a great translation when the novelette is released in China later this year.

So, yes, my name appears on the novelette and the nomination list, but it wasn’t just me. If anyone reading this ever has the opportunity to work with any of the people I’ve listed and thanked here, know that you are in good hands and you’ve involved yourself with people of incredible talent and skill.

And again, congratulations and good luck to all the nominees!


Attention Ravencon Authors!

1 Comment » Written on April 23rd, 2014 by
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double spiral

This weekend, I’ll be down in Richmond, VA for Ravencon.

As part of the festivities, on Friday at 5pm I’m giving a talk about hypnosis, and a brief demo as well. If there’s time, I will hand out magic rings of hypnotic power to enhance the writing abilities of any professional and/or wanna-be authors in the room.

No, I am not bullshitting you.

And you know what? It doesn’t make one bit of difference if you don’t believe me, because that’s your conscious mind talking. All I need to make this work for you is to create the possibility in your unconscious mind. And that’s what hypnosis is all about.

So, if you’re a writer, and you’re coming to Ravencon, guess where you should be on Friday at 5pm?

“Barry’s Tale” is on the Nebula Ballot!

No Comments » Written on February 20th, 2013 by
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The bad news is that I’ve been home sick since Monday. I’m feeling better, but about all I’ve done for the past couple of days is sleep. Ugh.

The good news is that the SFWA announced the results of the recent Nebula nominations, and my novella, “Barry’s Tale” has made the ballot.

This is probably where I should begin practicing the line about “it’s an honor just being nominated” — and it is! — because the competition in my category is fierce: Aliette de Bodard (whose work in the last couple of years has been blowing me away!), Nancy Kress (with whom I studied at Taos, her teachings made my novella possible in the first place), Jay Lake (whom I have known since we were both just starting out and love like a brother), Ken Liu (who has been kicking ass and taking names left and right), and Robert Reed (whose got more than 200 professional sales, and a Hugo to boot).

I’m positively giddy to see my work alongside novellae by these people. Giddy, I tell you. So giddy, I’m thinking of getting a tuxedo (and a matching one for Barry, of course) to wear to the Nebula Awards Banquet.

Congratulations to the many other fine authors who have been nominated this day:

For Best Novel: Saladin Ahmed, Tina Connolly, N.K. Jemisin, Caitlín R. Kiernan, Mary Robinette Kowal, and Kim Stanley Robinson.

For Best Novelette: Catherine Asaro, Andy Duncan, Ken Liu, Brit Mandelo, Meghan McCarron, Rachel Swirsky, and Catherynne M. Valente.

For Best Short Story: Helena Bell, Aliette de Bodard, Tom Crosshill, Leah Cypess, Maria Dahvana Headley, Ken Liu, and Cat Rambo.

For the Andre Norton Award: Kelly Barnhill, Holly Black, Leah Bobet, Libba Bray, Sarah Beth Durst, Rachel Hartman, Alethea Kontis, David Levithan, Guadalupe Garcia McCall, China Miéville, E.C. Myers, and Jenn Reese.

Authors Eating Elsewhere

No Comments » Written on December 2nd, 2012 by
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For those of you who simply cannot wait around until Monday for the next installment of Eating Authors here on this blog, you need not suffer yourself any further withdrawal.

Author, Poet, Digital Media Maven, and all around fun person to hang out with, Fran Wilde has been interviewing authors about food in a series of essays she calls “Cooking the Books.” As something of a Thanksgiving treat, the fine folks at Strange Horizons have posted Fran’s roundtable discussion involving Elizabeth Bear, Gregory Frost, Nalo Hopkinson, and Scott Lynch. There’s even a Klingon reference, so you know it’s good stuff!

So, what are you waiting for? Click that link right now and enjoy the fun!

Third Nebula Awards 2011 Post

No Comments » Written on May 26th, 2011 by
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A highlights of any successful Nebula Awards Weekend is the range of workshops and day trips available to the attendees, and this year really drove that point home. There was quite an assortment to choose from, but ultimately I focused on some workshops to expand my skills.

The first of these was a trip out to the television studio where they film FastForward, a show that features interviews with authors and others in the science fiction and fantasy field. This particular workshop was limited to five participants. After a quick tour of the studio (and snacks in the Green Room) we were led to a lobby where we watched as one by one our comrades were taken onto the set and put through a live, two-minute interview. After the interviews we all returned to the studio. Our hosts, Tom Schaad, Mike Zipser, and Kathi Overton, treated us to the benefits of their experience, revealing behind-the-scenes info, techniques, and tips for improving our future television appearances. It was an amazing workshop, that went by far too quickly, and I’m still processing all the things I learned there.

The other workshop I attended was the two part session on Reading Aloud hosted by Campbell Award winning author (and SF vice president) Mary Robinette Kowal. The first portion of the workshop was a classroom style lecture with much audience participation. Mary walked us through some basics of public speaking and the fundamentals of creating accents. It was wonderfully informative, particularly in areas where I knew the basic mechanics (having taught articulatory phonetics myself) but had never applied the knowledge in this domain.

After a break for lunch, eight lucky attendees rejoined Mary in a smaller room and over the course of the next three hours received one-on-one instruction incorporating the material from the first workshop into our individual readings. Not only did we work on our own performances, we witnessed one another’s transformations as well. In the end, I was exhausted but deliriously happy with the experience.

So, what did I learn?

Going into the sessions, I was pretty cocky and cavalier. I’ve been on television dozens of times, and my decade of professoring has me very at ease speaking to an audience. Basically, I can wing it, and often as not, I have.

And that’s wrong.

These workshops culminated in a stupidly simple take-home message for me. Be Professional. Really, it’s that simple. Do the work, come prepared. Instead of winging it and doing a perfectly adequate job, why not put in the time, master the material (which, you know, is my material), and blow the doors off the room?

Preparation is the difference between getting by and being a professional. And, while it’s humiliating to realize and admit it, I’ve been mostly faking it all this time.

My most sincere appreciation to Tom and Mike and Kathi, and to Mary, for giving of their time and expertise to teach me things I needed to know. I’m humbled by your generosity, and I will use the gifts you’ve shared to behave as a professional going forward.

I’m not sure when my next TV interview may be, but if you want to see the results of my Nebula Awards Weekend experience, come to my next reading. Be sure to keep a tight grip on your socks, not that it will help.

First Post Nebula Post for 2011

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I’m back from the Nebula Awards Weekend, and I have lots and lots to say about the experience, but most of that will have to wait for later (either later today, or over the next couple of days), as the DayJob beckons.

Let me give you one small taste though: here’s Eric James Stone, winner of the Nebula Award for Best Novelette. Don’t let my poor photographic abilities fool you, he’s having a great night!”

Congratulations again, Eric. You da man!

Eric James Stone with his Nebula Award