On June 16th, a little over a month from now, my wife and I will be heading out to the wilds of York, PA, where I will be participating in the glory that is known far and wide as Sci-Fi Saturday (clicking the graphic to the right will take you to the Facebook Event page where all the up-to-the-minute info can be found).
The event takes place at the York Emporium, a huge bookstore located at 343 W. Market Street in York, PA. I’ll have a table there, and though there’ll be just the one of me I’ll be there wearing three different hats: As an author, I’ll have copies of my own fiction for sale and signing. As a publisher, I’ll have copies of all the Paper Golem titles. And as the Director of the Klingon Language Institute, I’ll have a nice assortment of both KLI books, and Klingon language materials from Pocket Books and elsewhere (including foreign language translations of The Klingon Dictionary).
In addition to my wife Valerie at my table, I’ll be joined by famed children’s book author and recent fantasy novelist Alethea Kontis, who is always a lot of fun to be around (and not just because she’s a princess).
At some point in the festivities, I’m told I’ll be on stage, yammering on and on about Klingon, language in general, and my own fiction. The schedule is still coming together, but when I know the time be assured I’ll share it with you.
Tags: Appearance, Klingon
I wonder if you you could tell me if the Klingon Language Institute is still active, as the events section looks a little dated?
07.15.12 at 11:57 pm
Not sure what you mean by the “events section” but yes, the KLI is still active.
In fact, our 19th annual conference, the qep’a’ wa’maHHutDIch, is coming up in just over a month.
07.16.12 at 5:18 am
The reason I was asking is that I applied for a year’s membership of the KLI back in June. The site said things would normally take a couple of weeks to be processed, but I haven’t heard anything, hence my question.
07.16.12 at 2:16 pm
Mike. That does not sound right.
I’ve responded to your via a private email, so we can figure out where the glitch happened and get it taken care of. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
07.16.12 at 3:03 pm