
MTV-lIj vIneH

No Comments » Written on September 3rd, 2012 by
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So this happened:

Hugo-nominee Nancy Fulda is one of the people who has been spending part of her time here at the Worldcon walking around with a plush buffalito on her shoulder and handing out postcards giving away my new novella “Barry’s Tale.” On the first day of the convention she had her buffalito (she named him Jared) with her at the gym, and it drew the attention of someone who as it turned out was working the Press Room for the convention. She invited Nancy to come and sign up, so that anyone seeking authors for interviews could in turn contact her.

Later that morning, Nancy found me, and together we went searching for the Press Room (not necessarily an easy thing to do in the vastness of the hotel) and we both signed up.

Yesterday, the Press Room called me and left a message. Twice actually. MTV wanted to interview me for their Geek program.

After a bit of phone tag I found myself in the big chair of the Interview Room (right behind the Press Room) and spent the next 45 minutes talking into the camera about Klingon, the Conroyverse, and Paper Golem.

I have no idea how much of that they’ll use, if any, and it may just come down to a two-second clip of me shouting “I want my MTV” in Klingon. Then again, they may run the URL for the novella as part of the video or include it on their website. That would be awesome.

And now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to the Worldcon. Still a bit of programming left.

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