For those of you out there who are stalking me are wondering when or where our paths may cross, I’ve just done a major overhaul of my 2013 schedule.
Probably the biggest news is that I’ll be spending Memorial Day Weekend in Kansas City, MO, returning the glory that is ConQuesT. What can I tell you, these people know how to throw a friendly, welcoming convention, and I’ve been away for too long.
It’s also worth noting that Kansas City is home both to my publisher, Hadley Rille Books, as well as some of the best beef around. I mention this here, in this oh-so-public-forum, on the off chance that my publisher/editor will realize what a great opportunity this will be for him to take me out to dinner. (I’ll let you all know how that works out).
The other big news is the date of the Klingon Language Institute’s 20th annual conference. Seriously, twenty years of Klingon speakers coming together from all over the world! Dunqu’.
But before any of those (or the subsequent events on the list) happen, you can find me in a couple weeks at Lunacon in Ryebrook, NY, and a month later at TrekTrax in Atlanta, GA.
Tags: Appearance, Conventions, Klingon, Traveling