This week’s segment of EATING AUTHORS is going live on the last day of LoneStarCon3 (aka the Worldcon, baby!), and is extra special because our guest is none other than Paul Cornell, who just happens to be the convention’s Toastmaster!
Paul is one of those writers who writes everything. He’s written for several British television dramas, including Robin Hood, Primeval, and Casual+y. He’s written for comics, such as Fantastic Four, Batman and Robin, and Wolverine. He’s written books, such as his new urban fantasy London Falling. And when it comes to writing Doctor Who, Paul has done screenplays, audio plays, novels, and comics.
Not surprisingly, I’m writing this up before the Worldcon, but I have to say I wouldn’t be even blink if a sonic screwdriver plays some part of the convention’s opening or closing ceremonies. You know?

LMS: Welcome, Paul. I suspect you get hit with Tardis questions about as often as I get hit with Klingon questions, so instead of going off in that direct I’ll just ask you to tell us about your most memorable meal. Okay?
PC: I think the best meal I ever had was in Calistoga in the Napa Valley of Northern California. Caroline and I had the best ever steak and let the sommelier go wild with the wine choice, hence also the best merlot I’ve ever tasted (and to pre-empt the comments section, the whole point of the movie Sideways is that by the end of it our hero has decided there’s nothing wrong with a good Merlot). It sticks in the memory as a sign of an excellent driving holiday, from LA to Yosemite to the coast, and back down to San Francisco. This was all around Worldcon, of course. Hearing The Thrills and Crosby, Stills and Nash in an open-topped car on the coastal roads where they’re meant to be played, that was really something. It feels like a dream now we’ve started a family. But a family is better than dreams.

Thanks, Paul. Yet another meal that has a Worldcon figuring somewhere in it. I’m sensing a theme, I am.
Next Monday: Another author and another meal!
Tags: Eating Authors
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