
The Return of DOCTORAL DAY: 25th Anniversary Edition!

No Comments » Written on March 31st, 2012 by
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Regular readers of my blog will know that this next Monday heralds my personal holiday. April 2nd is the date on which I successfully defended my dissertation and the members of my committee shook my hand and said, “Congratulations, Doctor Schoen.”

Traditionally, I spend the day doing something self-indulgent. I also like to encourage everyone to engage in vacuously pompous behavior, lecturing the masses on any topic that you choose (note: you must provide your own soapbox). If you have a terminal degree, proudly display it for all lesser mortals to behold, and let them tremble in the glow of your privileged intellect.

Or something like that.

This year’s Doctoral Day is a bit extra-special, owing to our culture’s preoccupation with certain numbers. It’s the 25th anniversary, and so I’ve come up with a particularly splendid treat for myself: On Monday, I’ll be traveling down to Delaware, where I’ll be visiting the Colvine Bison Farm for my first in person viewing of some buffalo.

Can you believe it? Half a million words about buffalitos, and I’ve never spent time up close with a buffalo before. It’s probably too much to hope that they have a gift shop (let alone one with silver souvenirs), but if nothing else, I’m sure I’ll be coming home with fresh bison filet mignon. Yummers!

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