I’ll be spending Independence Day packing for my trip to NorthAmeriCon’17, aka the 2017 North American Science Fiction Convention (NASFiC).
Now, I know what you’re thinking: didn’t I already post my final schedule a month ago? Well, you’re right, I did. But the Powers That Be decided to move a couple things around and so I’m posting the *new and improved* final schedule, because I’d hate for you to be looking for me at a particular time and place and not be able to find me.
That said, while I have been assured that the times and dates shown below are spot on, the location of things may be wrong. In fact, I’ve noticed that according to the online programming list, the same room has been allocated to different items at the same time. Oops! My advice, ignore the locations listed here and double-check once you’ve arrived on-site.

Friday, July 7th
12:30 p.m. – 12:55 p.m. | Sol | Reading
I’ll read a bit from the sequel to BARSK (aka, the BARSquel), specifically a scene set on an island. Seems appropriate.
5:00 p.m. – 5:50 p.m. | San Cristobal | What’s so Funny?
Humor is a coping mechanism, but it’s also a vital mechanic of fiction. Our panelists talk about humor, and it’s sure to be a lark.
with Mel White, Mike Substelny
Saturday, July 8th
3:00 p.m. – 3:50 p.m. | San Cristobal | World Building as more than Background
How does an author create a well developed world? Cultures, government, biospheres, religion, social equity, et cetera must be explored.
with Lee French, James Dorr, Ctein
4:00 p.m. – 4:50 p.m. | San Cristobal | Translation in Space
Understanding alien language is at the heart of the 2016 Hugo-nominated moview Arrival. Our panelists discuss the challenges of talking with aliens in fiction and (potentially) reality.
with Chris Rose, Jonathan Brazee

It looks like I’m not going on the Thursday tour of Arecibo Observatory with Brother Guy Consolmagno. I didn’t win that ticket lottery. If you did, and cannot go, and want me to go in your place, hey, why haven’t you told me yet? C’mon, pick up the phone!
Other places I expect to be are Thursday night’s Meet the GoHs Ice Cream Social (8-?). Then on Friday, Tobias Buckell’s and Brother Guy Consolmagno’s readings in the morning (10-10:55), the panel on English Language Caribbean SF (3-3:50), and the Science Fiction Historical Trading Cards presentation (4-4:50). On Saturday I hope to attend the panel on Making the International Move (11-11:50), because hey, you never know.
Elsewise, you’ll likely find me just hanging out around the convention. Come up and say hello.
On Monday, after the convention is over, I’ll be taking advantage of an excursion to visit El Yunque (via Spoon Food tours). Maybe you’ll join me? I’ve written two novels set in rainforests, it seemed like a great time to actually walk around in one.
And I’ve been practicing my Spanish (courtesy of Duolingo), so I’m sure to embarrass myself over and over. If you’re a user of this amazing (and free!) language learning service, feel free to follow me.
Tags: Appearance, Barsk, Conventions, Reading, Traveling