This summer I’ll be heading to glorious (or so the travel brochures asure me) Spokane, WA to partake in the 74th WorldCon, affectionately known as Sasquan.
And, in case you’d like to stalk me, here’s my full schedule:
Wednesday, August 19th
12:00 – 12:45 (Bays 111B) Comfort Reading
What do you read when you just want to relax? What books do you return to during busy times to unwind? What are your book equivalents of meatloaf and macaroni and cheese?
with Jason Hough, Louise Marley (M), Christie Meierz, and Jo Walton.
Thursday, August 20th
09:00 – 09:45 (Breezeway/Statue) Stroll with the Stars
A gentle morning stroll with some of your favorite authors, artists and editors. Meeting each morning at 9AM in the Breezeway between the INB Theater and the Convention Center (check your map), and returning in time for 10AM programming.
with David Gerrold, Vonda N. McIntyre, Cat Rambo, Stephen Segal, Stu Segal (M), and Tom Smith.
11:00 – 11:45 (401C) Klingon Language Workshop
An interactive (i.e., barking and spitting) session aimed at beginners. In 45 minutes I’ll run you through about 80% of Klingon grammar and leave you with the ability to speak and comprehend hundreds of well-formed sentences, including useful things to say throughout the rest of the convention!
this is my one-man show event, but any Klingon fans are welcome to help with crowd control, random and senseless martial discipline, and passing out instructional sheets.
12:30 – 13:00 (303B) Reading
The convention has generously given me 20 minutes to read to you. Come and listen to the first chapter of Barsk: The Elephants’ Graveyard. You too can be part of the groundswell for this shiny new book, and maybe even leave with an autographed copy of an ARC!
me plus an invocation of anthropomorphic elephants (and a few others, but hey, no pre-convention spoilers).
14:00 – 14:45 (202B-KK4) Kaffee Klatche
Somewhere there will be a sign-up sheet where you can put your name down to join me for light banter, inspiring pontification, rude jokes in Klingon, and the inevitable bloviation. Spaces are limited.
me and nine lucky souls!
Friday, August 21st
09:00 – 10:45 (Location is Secret!) Codex Worldcon Breakfast
As I try to do every year when I’m at the Worldcon, I’ll be attending the annual Codex Writers’ Breakfast. As of this writing, we’re looking at 60 participants. That’s a lot of waffles
The list of attendees is known to Codexii and their guests, sorry.
12:00 – 12:45 (Conference Theater 110) The Future of Food
Science fiction rarely discusses what people will eat in the future. Denny Zager and Rick Evans’ 1969 hit song, “In the Year 2525,” predicted “Everything you think, do and say is in the pill you took today.” Will the future really replace barbecue and burgers with capsules and protein drinks? How far can nutriceuticals go? Will we print our food in 3-D or carve it from Chicken Little? How are cuisines and tastes evolving? What drives food trends?
with Beth Cato, Scott Edelman, Amy Thomson, Fran Wilde.
13:00 – 13:45 (Exhibit Hall B) Autographing
Sasquan has thoughtfully set aside forty-five minutes for my annual ego-deflation. Come by and help me name the crickets.
with Aliette de Bodard, P. C. Hodgell, Richard Kadrey, Devon Monk, and Michelle Sagara.
Saturday, August 22nd
12:00 – 12:45 (Conference Theater 110) Alien Linguistics
Science fiction and fantasy often deals with alien or constructed languages. What makes a convincing language? What can we learn about creating such languages from the diversity of human languages?
with Annalee Flower Horne, David Peterson (M), Julia Smith, and Stanley Schmidt.
13:00 – 15:00 (300B) SFWA Business Meeting
It’s everyone’s favorite time to see how they make the sausage. Also, meet the new SFWA Board!
with a cast of dozens!
Sunday, August 23rd
09:00 – 09:45 (Breezeway/Statue) Stroll with the Stars
If you missed coming along on Thursday morning, this is your chance! Same route, different strollers. Meeting in the Breezeway between the INB Theater and the Convention Center (check your map), and returning in time for 10AM programming.
with Laura Anne Gilman, Joe Haldeman, Gay Haldeman, Stephen Segal, Stu Segal (M), and Steven Silver.

That’s pretty much it. At this point, it’s not clear if there will or will not be a San Marino Worldcon Bid Party (but if there is, it will be Saturday night — unless, um, it’s not).
See you in Richmond!
Tags: Appearance, Conventions, Traveling