Coming up all too quickly now, I’ll be heading down to Atlanta, GA to be a part of Anachrocon.
Here is my schedule as I currently know it to be:

Friday, February 14th
4:00 p.m. | Meet and Greet
Immediately following the opening ceremonies, all Eternal Members and Ambassadors are cordially invited to join Dr. Lawrence M Schoen and the other guests and panelists from the Culture and Media Track, along with the Directors and Staff of AnachroCon.
All guests and panelists.
5:00 p.m. | Meet and Greet
Light hors d’eourves will be served at this relaxed and informal Meet and Greet reception for our most prestigious members.
All guests and panelists.
8:00 p.m. | Short Fiction
Short Fiction differs from the novel in a number of key ways. Hear our panelists discuss their latest works, their craft, and the art of the short story.
Desirina Boskovich, Lee Martindale, Kimberly Richardson, and me.
Saturday, February 15th
10:00 a.m. | Science plus Fiction
Sci-FI is about more than just “wacky stuff in the future.” Come listen to our esteemed guests discuss the art of weaving hard science through fiction, whether a fantastical universe or dystopian future, to lend credibility to the story and aid the reader in suspending disbelief.
Randall Carlson, Stephanie Osborn, and me.
1:00 p.m. | Q&A with Dr. Lawrence M. Schoen
Spend an hour with Dr. Lawrence M. Schoen, Psychologist, Publisher, Scholar extraordinaire and one of the foremost authorities on the Klingon language.
Um… yeah, that would be me.
8:00 p.m. | Q&A with the Authors
Have a question for one of our authors that hasn’t been answered yet? Bring it to our Q&A when our esteemed authors will be on hand to answer questions and chat.
All authors.
Sunday, February 16th
I’m not formally scheduled for anything on Sunday, but I think there’ll be an excursion off site to get Dimsum!

That’s how things stand at the moment. I don’t know if the convention plans on scheduling me with either a reading or a signing session (though I’ve made inquiries), but if nothing else the possibility remains that I’ll be updating this schedule sometime in the next couple of days.
And of course, I’ll be joined this weekend by Barry, my faithful plush buffalito, who I suspect will be frantically handling out postcards for the latest Conroy novella in the last hours before Nebula ballots are due.
Tags: Appearance, Conventions, Publishing, Traveling