
“The Moment” – dead link situation

1 Comment » Written on March 15th, 2011 by
Categories: Freebies


Unbeknownst to me, the old links to downloadable copies of my Hugo-nominated short story, “The Moment,” did not survive the changeover of this site to its current WordPress incarnation.

My sincere apologies to anybody who has gone to any of the dead URLs seeking a copy of the story. I wish someone had alerted me to this problem sooner. I’ll talk to my WebMaster about either restoring or redirecting those links, but in the meantime, you can download the story here: “The Moment”


One Response to ““The Moment” – dead link situation”

Don;t beat yourself up. I have done MANY updates and know how things can get lost. Site looks good! QAPLA!

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