
Posts Tagged ‘Appearances’

My “Firm” Chicon8 (Worldcon 80) Schedule

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Worldcon 80

The fine folks at Chicon8 have released a “for,” schedule and I have permission to share it with you. Things may change, but here’s the current plan. I’m still hoping to get a Reading, and that someone will come forward to set up the fan favorite Strolling with the Stars and that I’ll get to participate.

You may notice that all of my programming is over and done with by mid-afternoon. This is deliberate and I’m very grateful to the convention for accommodating my restrictive schedule. In theory, I should have more than enough spoons to do all these things (plus grab a restorative nap prior to going off to dinner).

Thursday, September 1st
2:30 pm | Randolph 1 | Relaxing Reads.
When the world is filled with stress, do you want low-stress, low-stakes novels? Our panelists discuss their favorite relaxing reads, and dig into what elements make something “cozy”. We’ll talk about how SFF stories that don’t revolve around action and saving the world can still be compelling reads, and invite our audience to share their favorites.
With Steven D. BREWER (m), Jeanne DeVore, Rachel Gutin, and Rachel Neumeier.

Friday, September 2nd
11:30 am | Crystal Foyer | Table Talk.
Small group discussion with me (I suspect advance sign-up is a requirement). Come by and we will talk about all the (Lawrence) things!

Saturday, September 3rd
2:30 m | Grand Hall I | Future Food.
Plant-based meat, golden rice, insect snacks, Soylent. We all need to eat, and that makes food an enormous market for innovation. Our panel considers which foods might become staples and which may become luxuries in the future.
With George Jreije (m), Elektra Hammond, P H Lee, Sara A Mueller, and Karl Schroeder

Sunday, September 4th
2:30 pm | Michigan 3 | The Art of Working With Illustrators and Cover Artists.
You’ve managed the writing, editing, and now just need your visual creative components. Does a cover artist also lay out the cover text, spine, and back cover design? Do you approach the same artist for all your visual needs, from covers to interior illustrations to logos? What are standard payment expectations and lead times for projects? Can’t you just do the art yourself, or with pictures you found online? Artists and publishers answer all these questions and more.
I’ll be moderating, and panelists include Stephanie hans, Esther Jones, Alex Shvartsman, and Alyssa Winans.

Monday, September 5th
10:00 am | Autographing | Signing.
I’ve written a bunch of books in the last couple of years. This is your chance to bring them so I can sign ’em. Plus, everyone who comes to the table gets a copy of my genuine Science Fiction Trading Card. Such a deal

It’s likely that some of the above will be in flux, and/or I’ll have supplementary information to share, but here’s where it all stands as this moment. If anything does change I’ll post an update.