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Hello, and welcome. You’re listening to DaHjaj Hol, your daily dose of Klingon language. I’m your host, Lawrence Schoen.
Clearly one of the best things about reaching the end of the week is the opportunity to start a fresh day with a quick glimpse inside the pages of Marc Okrand’s book Klingon for the Galactic Traveler. Today’s choice is the noun namwech. N, A, M, W, E, CH. namwech means paw. The following examples will allow some nonhumanoids some practice time too:
qatlh jej mIl’oDmey namwechDu’
why are sabre bears’ paws sharp?
ghopDu’ namwechDu’ je ghaj novvetlh
that alien has hands and paws
romulusnganpu’ bachmeH wa’ namwech lo’ targhwIj
my targ uses one paw for shooting Romulans
I wouldn’t tell you that you should be able to use this new noun with nearly every verb you know, because then you might feel obligated to actually make that attempt. Still, I know you must be wondering, right? Maybe you’ll check it out on your own some time. qo’mey poSmoH Hol.
Tags: Klingon