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Hello, and welcome. You’re listening to DaHjaj Hol, your daily dose of Klingon language. I’m your host, Lawrence Schoen.
I’ve really started looking forward to Sundays, because it’s the only chance I get to chat with my old friend QIb. The fact that you get to eavesdrop on our conversation and pick some extra vocabulary is just a bonus. And speaking of bonuses, here are this week’s additional nouns and verbs:
The nouns are:
rav / floor
wep / coat or jacket
’etlh / sword
The verbs are:
chagh / drop
yap / enough or sufficient
’ut / necessary or essential
QIb: ’etlhwIj Daleghpu’’a’ / have you seen my sword?
’angghal: ghaytan ravDaq Dachaghqa’ / you probably dropped it on the floor again
QIb: vItu’ta’ ’ach DaH wepwIj vItu’laHbe’ / I found it, but now I can’t find my jacket
’angghal: ’utqu’’a’ / is it really necessary?
QIb: ’etlh ’ut law’ wep ’ut puS / the sword is more essential than the jacket
’angghal: toH yap ’etlhlIj neH / so, just your sword is sufficient
And that’s all QIb had to say this week. If you paid close attention, you’ve picked up three new nouns, three new verbs, and some new ideas about how to combine them. Sounds like a pretty good way to end the week. You should go out and celebrate. Tomorrow I’ll have a new verb for you. Until then, remember, qo’mey poSmoH Hol
Tags: Klingon