
DaHjaj Hol 110907 – well! #tlhIngan #tlh

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Hello, and welcome. You’re listening to DaHjaj Hol, your daily dose of Klingon language. I’m your host, Lawrence Schoen.

Today’s choice of chuvmey is the exclamation toH. T, O, Capital H. toH, means well! or so! This is a great expression to make your discourse sound more conversational. Here are some examples.

toH, tInqu’bej mughato’lIj
well, your mugato is certainly very large

toH, tagha’ Hegh HoD
so, the captain is finally dead

toH, charchu’ Qe’vetlh Soj
well, that restaurant’s food was clearly slimy

What happens when you start using Klingon more casually and conversationally? Will you put yourself more at ease? Will you relax more into the language and start trusting your own knowledge of it? Will your use of vocabulary change? Will you find yourself experimenting with some of the less commonly used verb prefixes. Yeah, I don’t know the answer to these questions either, but I think you should find out. qo’mey poSmoH Hol.


Today’s podcast is brought to you by Buffalito Contingency by Lawrence M. Schoen.

Conroy has left Earth far behind and taken his hypnosis act beyond Human Space.

It should be show business as usual, except for the energy being the size of a hundred suns that wants to study him, a plot to smuggle liquid gravity, a troupe of alien sex wrestlers, a hypnotized ghost, and Reggie his buffalito stuck in a saurian toilet…

“If you like hilarity along with your mayhem, or perhaps mayhem with your hilarity, then Buffalito Contingency was written with you in mind.”

— Walter Jon Williams, Nebula award-winning author

Buffalito Contingency‘s aliens were so alien I reveled in my humanity, and the humans were so human I resolved to revel in the moment. But the book was so entertaining that humanity and the moment took a walk while I finished a really good read.”

— Howard Tayler, Hugo-nominated cartoonist & author

Bufflito Destiny


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