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Hello, and welcome. You’re listening to DaHjaj Hol, your daily dose of Klingon language. I’m your host, Lawrence Schoen.
If you’ve been with me from the beginning on this podcast quest then you’re probably as amazed as I am that we’ve been here, day in and day out, for full three months now. That surely speaks volumes about our honor. Or… it would, if I’d covered the word for our yet. Let’s do that today, so we can toot our own horns.
As you already know, expressing possession is the responsibility of a group of Type 4 noun suffixes. Many of these suffixes exist in two different forms depending on whether the noun in question is capable of language.
Use –maj for our when the noun cannot use language. Tha’s M, A, J, -maj
Use –ma’ for our when the noun can use language. That’s M, A, Apostrophe, -ma’
And as long as we’re talking about our stuff, we should learn how to talk about my stuff too. The suffix for my follows the same pattern:
Use –wIj for my when the noun cannot use language. Tha’s W, I, J, -wIj
Use –wI’ for my when the noun can use language. That’s W, I, Apostrophe, -wI’
Note that this –wI’ is not the same –wI’ as the Type 9 verb suffix you already know.
vavwI’ qan law’ DujwIj qan puS
my father is older than my ship
loQ ram jabwI’wI’ meq
my waiter’s reason is slightly trivial
chomma’ wIHoHpa’ HIqmeymaj wItlhutlhnIS
before we kill our bartender we need to drink our ales
When I was visiting him in my dreams, Kahless once told me that being able to describe something as belonging to him changed his understanding of it in a fundamental way. When you can say a thing is “mine” you begin to think of it differently. Try out the word HolwIj, my language, and see what worlds open up for you. qo’mey poSmoH Hol.
Today’s podcast is brought to you by ghIghameS, translated by Roger Cheesbro. |
Tags: Klingon