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Hello, and welcome. You’re listening to DaHjaj Hol, your daily dose of Klingon language. I’m your host, Lawrence Schoen.
I know what you’re thinking, if it’s Friday, it should be leftover day. But I’m going to do something different on this Friday.
Over the past six weeks I’ve given you a lot of words. Today, we’re going to test your memory of them.
Here’s how this will work. I’m going to speak, one by one, all the verbs and all the nouns we’ve used since the first of the year. I’ll pause briefly after each one. Your job is to say the English meaning. If you can’t, that’s what you’re going to have to go back and study. Ready? Let’s begin: here are the verbs:
‘ep bol char chegh ghung Hagh Hegh HoH ja’ |
jab law’ maS mej mev muS ngIj potlh puS |
rur Sop Such Suv tlhap tlhutlh voq yu’ |
That was fun. Now, here are the nouns:
‘awje’ ‘uQ batlh be’ beH be’nI’ betleH chatlh chom chonnaQ chuvmey Dargh DIp Duj ghem ghIntaq HIch |
HIq jabwI’ jaj loD loDnI’ megh moHaq mojaq mu’mey nIQ nISwI’ nov nuH pu’ puq puqbe’ puqloD |
qa’vIn qechmey Qel romuluSngan SoS SoSnI’ tach taj tej tlhIngan vav vavnI’ vIttlhegh wot yIn |
Phew. That was a lot of words. How’d you do? If you knew every single word without hesitation, give me a call and you can have my job. If you didn’t, then you’d better start practicing. After all, we want you able to say qo’mey poSmoH Hol language opens worlds.
Today’s podcast is brought to you by Klingon for the Galactic Traveler, by Marc Okrand. |
Tags: Klingon