Welcome to DaHjaj Hol, your daily bit of Klingon language. And in honor of my mother, whom I’m visiting in Arizona, you get two prefixes today!
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Da- is a verb prefix indicating a second person singular subject and a third person singular or plural object
bI- is a verb prefix indicating a second person singular subject and no object
DaHoH’ you kill it
Davoq you trust her
DaSuv you fight them
jabwI’ DaSuv you fight the waiter
betleHlIj Davoq you trust your bat’lath
tugh romuluSngan DaHoH soon you will kill the Romulan
bISuv you fight
reH bIbol you always drool
reh bIHoHrup you are always ready to kill
Tags: Klingon
That second-to-last sentence—should it be ‘reH bIbol’?
01.16.11 at 9:40 am
I think you’re absolutely right. I don’t know where that extra word came from, but it doesn’t belong. I’ll see if I can correct it despite being away from my laptop.
01.16.11 at 12:20 pm