Welcome to the sixth installment of DaHjaj Hol, a daily bit of Klingon language, to help you get comfortable with the warriors’ tongue. Today is Suffix Day, and it’s going to be glorious!
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-lIj / -lI’ is a Type 4 noun suffix meaning your
mojaq is a noun that means suffix
jabwI’ is a noun that means waiter (literally, one who serves food)
Tags: Klingon
Thanks for this great podcast. I’ve subscribed with iTunes, but came for a visit to see if you’d posted any text to go with it and, sure enough, there it is.
Much appreciated!
01.06.11 at 11:30 am
That’s the new plan, to post vocabulary with the individual blog entry.
Thanks for listening!
01.06.11 at 7:40 pm