I have the pleasure once again of being the featured author at this month’s Philadelphia Fantastic Reading series, taking place for the penultimate time at the Moonstone Arts Center, 108 S. 13th Street, Phila., Pa, conveniently located in Center City Philadelphia
I’ll be reading from Buffalito Buffet, my new collection of stories from the Amazing Conroy series, which includes the original novella “Barry’s Tale,” as well as “Buffalo Dogs” — the very first story in the series, and several that are now out of print. Conroy is a stage hypnotist, turned smuggler, turned corporate CEO. He can usually be found in the company of Reggie, his alien animal companion that resembles a miniature bison, but can eat anything and farts oxygen.
All attendees will receive a free copy of the electronic version of the novella “Barry’s Tale,” and some lucky member of the audience will leave with their very own plush buffalito! Wow!
!!! The reading will not be in Klingon !!! (probably)
Tags: Appearance, Conroyverse, Reading