Ten days from now, nominations for the Nebula Awards will close. Before that happens, I’m hoping many many members of SFWA will read my novella, “Trial of the Century,” and write its title on their ballots.
Mind you, I’d also be happy to see any of you who attended last year’s Worldcon in San Antonio, and/or have memberships in this year’s Worldcon in London, to go ahead and nominate it for a Hugo. And while we’re at it, let’s also include those among you who have nominations rights for this year’s World Fantasy coming close to home in D.C. in the Fall.
Okay, having pimped my work for this year’s raft of major awards, let me go on record as saying I have mixed feelings about authors posting notices about what works they have that are eligible. On the one hand, part of me thinks it’s kind of crass. On the other, who am I kidding, right? This is all part of how it’s done, and I’ve benefited from it in the past. And yet…
Because no one should have to live with such cognitive dissonance, let me share with you the reasons (excuses, justifications, rationalizations) that I point to to make it, if not “okay” then at least acceptable, for me to behave in this way:
- It’s a novella (and chances are you don’t read a lot of them, if for no other reason than because, relatively speaking, not very many are published).
- It was published in World Jumping, an anthology from a small press (which is also a polite way of saying that it didn’t get the kind of promotion and distribution that would put it in front of a lot of readers).
- The anthology’s release date was December 26th, 2013 (meaning it snuck in for eligibility with all of five days to spare, and again, hasn’t been around long enough for lots and lots of people to have read it).
So here’s the deal: click on one of the icons below, and you can download an electronic version of the novella, free of charge, no questions asked. If you like it, well, obviously I hope you’ll consider it for your nomination pleasure. If you don’t, sorry, sometimes that’s just how it goes.
Finally, let me just add that, there’s a lot of great fiction out there, and if you’re able to nominate you really should take the time to do so. This is your community, and you should have your say.

This novella is released under a Creative Commons, Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives license.
Follow the link if you’re not sure what that means.
Tags: Awards, Conroyverse, ebooks