Valerie and I are ensconced at the Settlers Inn in scenic Hawley, PA (think Poconos). We have just eaten lunch in front of a roaring fire. I had boneless duck leg roulades, banana bread stuffing, butternut risotto, sherry dijon sauce, cranberry onion chutney. Seriously. 🙂

Lobby of the Settlers Inn
Totally off topic: It occurred to me recently that your Conroy stories deal with altered states. Not just hypnosis, self-hypnosis, and so on…
but the other kind, like always-rainy Newer Jersey, and timesinking Texas.
I’ll get my hat and go now.
11.07.10 at 2:09 am
Mark, that first assertion is true, I do deal bring altered states of consciousness into my fiction (comes of reading the writings of people like Charles Tart some twenty plus years ago).
I’m not sure how you’re tying that in to Newer Jersey of the Stand Alone Star State.
Nice hat.
11.07.10 at 12:36 pm