Let’s be real clear: Big conventions make me nervous. Just the thought of them.
The largest venues I’ve ever attended have been Worldcons, and those barely got above 5000 people in one place. But because the publisher of my forthcoming novel, Barsk: The Elephants’ Graveyard, has asked me to attend, on Thursday, October 8th, I’ll be at the Javitts Center in Manhattan to participate in New York Comic Con. I don’t know how many people will be there, no one does in advance, but I can tell you that last year’s attendance was estimated at 151,000 people. Right. That’s more than thirty times my Worldcon experience.
So, if you want to find me amidst such massive throngs, here’s where you need to be::
Thursday, October 8th
1:30 p.m. (Room 1A18) Tor: The Next Generation!
Tor Books celebrates 35 years of publishing quality science fiction and fantasy by some of the biggest names in genre today! But even Orson Scott Card and Brandon Sanderson were once unknowns. Meet 2015’s new authors and see what makes them tick in a game of “Would You Rather?â€
with host John Scalzi (The End of All Things) and featuring Ilana C. Myer (Last Song Before Night), Seth Dickinson (The Traitor Baru Cormorant), Fran Wilde (Updraft), and me.
2:45 p.m. (Bookstore Hall 1-B) Tor: The Next Generation! panel signing
After we’ve amused and dazzled you with our responses to John Scalzi’s brutal questions, follow us on over to Bookstore Hall 1-B and we’ll sign stuff for you.
with Ilana C. Myer, Seth Dickinson, Fran Wilde, and me.
5:00 p.m. (Booth #2223) Tor Booth Signing
If you missed the earlier panel signing — or your just want more signage! — drop by the Tor Booth. I’ll be wielding my mighty Barsk stamp, showing off the Fant font I designed as part of the worldbuilding.
featuring Fran Wilde and me.

After the last book has been signed, I’ll sneak away, limping my way back to the train station to head home for a good night’s sleep. Because the following morning, I’m headed down to Capclave! That’s right, the fun just keeps on coming!
See you at NYCC!