I’m all packed, and in a few hours V. and I will board a plane and wing our way off to Arizona for a combination of mini-vacation in restful Scottdale and a visit with my mother in a neighboring retirement community.
Many of you are off this MLK weekend to one wonderful convention or another. I’m a little envious, but it’s been too long since I’ve seen my mother and it’s good to be the dutiful son now and then.
It occurs to me that, MLK is allophonic with MRK, and I can’t help but wonder if that means that all who fly this weekend will bear the travel curse of Mary Robinette Kowal. Then again, it could mean that the strength of the curse will be diluted, siphoned off by being shared by so many others, and Mary will at last be free of it. Might be something to look into.
Anyway, I’m not sure what my connectivity will be like until Thurdays. Also, I’m leaving the laptop at home and seeing how well the new iPad serves for traveling (I’ve got some nice movies for the plane, that’s for sure). I’ll be offline for most of the trip but the Daily Klingon will continue without me.
It’s about 12 degrees in Philadelphia right now, and they’re calling for more snow tonight. It’s 70 degrees in AZ today. Should be quite nice.