
Doctoral Day 2014

No Comments » Written on April 2nd, 2014 by
Categories: News

And lo, it is once again the 2nd of April, that special day when the world wakes up from the excesses of April Fools’ gags and gets back to work.

Unless of course you’re me. For me, April 2nd, is a holiday. It’s the anniversary of the successful defense of my dissertation, or as I like to call it, Doctoral Day!

Of course, there are many ways to observe this sacred holiday, but here are some suggestions to guide you:

If you have a PhD (or other doctorate) dress comfortably, enjoy a special meal, and spend time in the company of good friends. Also, do make a point of being pompous. What could be easier?

For those among you who (for whatever reason) fall short of that level of academic initials, all is not lost. You can still participate in the joy that is Doctoral Day. You just need to locate someone with a PhD and offer up unto that person some act of kindness. I recommend cake. Or tell them that you’ve just bought one of their books (lying about this is optional). Hmm, no, go with the cake.

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