
Just Cuz YOU’re Awake…

No Comments » Written on August 25th, 2011 by
Categories: Gallery

It’s 6:30 in the morning and I’m getting up to go to work. Valerie is peacefully slumbering still. One of my tasks in the morning (along with remembering to brush my teeth, shave, shower, and dress) is to feed the dogs before I head out the door. This entails rousing them and ushering them downstairs. Gej’s response to the initial round of rousing was to oh-so-slowly lift his head up and give me the hairy eyeball of disdain.

Ultimately though he realized that it was in his own best interests to wake up, else he would not have breakfast. Like me, Gej is capable of moments of pragmatic clarity.

Happy Thursday!

Just Cuz YOU're Awake


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