

A Rare Moment of Quiet

2 comments Written on October 27th, 2011 by
Categories: Gallery

I’ve always been the sort of person who does fine on just six hours of sleep. Valerie likes more. As a result, it is a rare thing indeed for her to awaken in the morning and for me to still be deep in slumber. Rarer still is for Gej, who is almost exclusively a sleeps-at-the-foot-of-the-bed kind of dog, to hunker down on my pillow.

And yet… here’s photographic proof, as taken from the camera app on my wife’s cell phone.

I know, I’m as stunned as you are.

Happy Thursday!

A Rare Moment of Quiet

Stair Dog Stare

No Comments » Written on October 20th, 2011 by
Categories: Gallery

Valerie and I went out last night for a celebratory birthday dinner. You’ll know it was her birthday when I mention that we went to Le Bec Fin. It was a pretty nice dinner, and I had an incredible sauteed foie gras that was the last one in the house (yes, I made sure Valerie got a taste).

Before we left though, Gej came down the stairs to see us off, stopping midway. He does this thing where he sits his butt down on one step and his front legs fully extended on the next step down. It’s like millions of years ago something pushed his genetics to ensure he’d evolve to be the right height for the height of the steps.

Kind of puts me in mind of Lamarckian evolution, ya know? Anyway, here’s your weekly photo of my dog. Enjoy!

Happy Thursday!

Stair Dog Stare

Troubled Pup

2 comments Written on October 13th, 2011 by
Categories: Gallery

Last night, Valerie came home with purple hair. We’d discussed it, and since I think she looks great no matter what, and it was something she wanted to do, we made it happen.

We did not discuss it with the dogs though.

Gej seems somewhat troubled.

Happy (Purple) Thursday!


Gej on Patrol

No Comments » Written on October 6th, 2011 by
Categories: Gallery

On Wednesday, Valerie and I were heading into town for a night at the theatre, having invested in season tickets at the Walnut Street Theatre, and starting off with Andrew Lloyd Weber’s Aspects of Love.

Before we left though, Gej was on patrol in the yard, walking the fence line, checking for any stray rabbits or deer or the weird looking creature that we’ve spotted of late that looks like some kind of mutant giant rabid fox (or a very sickly chupacabra).

Happy Thursday!


Gej Sprawled

No Comments » Written on September 29th, 2011 by
Categories: Gallery

I have no idea what he did all day that left him so exhausted, but early last night Gej sprawled out on the bed in the pose you see below.

He seems fully recovered this morning. I suspect it was all an act for the camera.

Happy Thursday!


Working Dog

No Comments » Written on September 22nd, 2011 by
Categories: Gallery

Gej has a busy day ahead of him. There are puddles of sunlight to rest in, couches to lay upon, deer to bark at, and of course, Sugar, my wife’s elderly, little five-pound dog to torment.

Best to start the day with a good breakfast!

Happy Thursday!

Working Dog

After the grooming

No Comments » Written on September 15th, 2011 by
Categories: Gallery

My apologies, but with all the medical chaos of late, you didn’t get your weekly dose of Gej last Thursday, and I have no doubt many of you having been waiting for the “after” shot from his visit to the groomers. Well, wait no more!

Happy Thursday!

After Grooming

Before the grooming

No Comments » Written on September 1st, 2011 by
Categories: Gallery

This photo is a week old, and Gej is so shaggy he can barely move. All that fur is weighing him down and tiring him out. And since then he has gotten even shaggier. He has major matts and tangles, and he’s starting to look a bit sheepish, if you know what I mean.

Today, on my way into the Day Job, I will be dropping the boy off to be shaved and shorn, bathed and beautified, trimmed and… some other word that starts with /tr/…

I only hope they don’t cut his hair too short like the last (aka the “former”) groomer did. You’ll know when you see next week’s after photo.

Happy Thursday!

Before Grooming