
Schedule > 2013




Lunacon (Rye Brook, New York USA)
Friday through Sunday, March 15 – 17, 2013

Lunacon is one of my favorite conventions to just relax, visit with old friends, and hang out with fans. I hope to see you there!



TrekTrax (Atlanta, Georgia USA)
Friday through Sunday, April 19 – 21, 2013

I’ll be returning to this wonderfully friendly Trek convention, to teach some Klingon and drink some Diet Coke.



Nebula Awards Weekend (San Jose, California USA)
Thursday through Sunday, May 16 – 19, 2013

A long weekend of workshops and field trips, reunions with old friends and introductions to new ones, and a banquet at which authors honor their own.


ConQuesT 44
ConQuesT 44 (Kansas City, Missouri USA)
Friday through Sunday, May 24 – 26

It’s been too many years since I’ve been to this convention, full of generous and welcoming people. I’m looking forward to being back among them.



qep'a' cha'maHDIch
qep’a’ cha’maHDIch (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA)
Thursday through Saturday, July 25 – 27

Unbelievable as it may seem, this year marks the 20th annual meeting of the Klingon Language Institute’s summer conference. Whether you drive, fly, or travel the river of blood, you need to be there to show me your heart!



Shore Leave 35
Shore Leave 35 (San Antonio, Texas USA)
Friday through Sunday, August 2-4, 2013

Pay attention! Although this convention runs for three days, I’ll only be in attendance on Friday, August 2nd. Look for me late at night, hanging in the bars with the other Trek authors!


LoneStarCon3 (San Antonio, Texas USA)
Thursday through Monday, August 29 – September 2, 2013

Sure, it’s still a long way off, but I know I’ll be there! How do I know? Cuz it’s the Worldcon, baby! And who knows, maybe I’ll even be on the Hugo ballot! Wouldn’t that be a kick?



Capclave 13
Capclave 13 (Gaithersburg, Maryland USA)
Friday through Sunday, October 11 – 13, 2013

One of my favorite events of the year, I start looking forward to the next one the Monday after the current one ends.



Philcon (Cherry Hill, New Jersey USA)
Friday through Sunday, November 8 – 10, 2012

Over the river and into the land of free parking, it’s time once again for Philcon! Note: I’ll only be attending Friday & Saturday.