Books (old)
“Only Lawrence Schoen could blend the Mayan eschaton, nightclub hypnotism, corporate elitism, radical environmentalism, and good old-fashioned slam-bang adventure fiction.”
Trade Paperback : Amazon and Barnes & Noble |
“If you like hilarity along with your mayhem,
Trade Paperback : Amazon and Barnes & Noble |
“Powerful. Grand in scope, yet deeply intimate. Schoen gives anthropomorphism some serious spirituality.”
“A heartfelt and wonderfully weird book: a space opera about kindness and memory.”
Trade Paperback : Barnes & Noble |
“A masterful, onion-layered tale of pariahdom, treachery, and genocide that ultimately reveals the true deathlessness of hope and love.”
“Weird, wise, and worldly, Barsk: The Elephant’s Graveyard is a triumph.”
Ebook: Kindle (mobi) and Nook (ePub) |
“There’s a pleasant preposterousness to the whole thing, like a series of good-natured tall tales that end too soon.”
Trade Paperback : Amazon and Barnes & Noble |
“Schoen has perfected an unusual art form:
Trade Paperback : Amazon and Barnes & Noble |
contains “Buffalo Dogs,” the first Amazing Conroy story, Amazon and Barnes & Noble |
the first Amazing Conroy novelette, “Buffalogenesis” Amazon and Barnes & Noble |
contains two Amazing Conroy stories, “The Matter at Hand” and “Requiem” Amazon and Barnes & Noble |