
Books (old)


Buffalito Destiny

Buffalito Contingency

“Only Lawrence Schoen could blend the Mayan eschaton, nightclub hypnotism, corporate elitism, radical environmentalism, and good old-fashioned slam-bang adventure fiction.”
– Jay Lake, Campbell Award winner

Trade Paperback : Amazon and Barnes & Noble
Hardcover : Amazon and Barnes & Noble
Ebook: Kindle (mobi) and Nook (ePub)
Audio : Amazon and Barnes & Noble

“If you like hilarity along with your mayhem,
or perhaps some mayhem with your hilarity,
then Buffalito Contingency was written
with you in mind.”
– Walter Jon Williams, Nebula Award winner

Trade Paperback : Amazon and Barnes & Noble
Hardcover : Amazon and Barnes & Noble
Ebook: Kindle (mobi) and Nook (ePub)


Barsk: The Elephants' Graveyard

“Powerful. Grand in scope, yet deeply intimate. Schoen gives anthropomorphism some serious spirituality.”
– Howard Tayler, Schlock Mercenary

“A heartfelt and wonderfully weird book: a space opera about kindness and memory.”
– Max Gladstone, the Craft series

Trade Paperback : Barnes & Noble
Hardcover : Barnes & Noble

“A masterful, onion-layered tale of pariahdom, treachery, and genocide that ultimately reveals the true deathlessness of hope and love.”
– Charles E. Gannon, the Caine Riordan series

“Weird, wise, and worldly, Barsk: The Elephant’s Graveyard is a triumph.”
– Robert J. Sawyer, Hugo Award-winning author

Ebook: Kindle (mobi) and Nook (ePub)
Audio : Amazon and Barnes & Noble


Buffalito Buffet

Sweet Potato Pie

“There’s a pleasant preposterousness to the whole thing, like a series of good-natured tall tales that end too soon.”
Publishers Weekly

Trade Paperback : Amazon and Barnes & Noble
Hardcover : Amazon and Barnes & Noble
Ebook: Kindle (mobi) and Kobo (ePub)

“Schoen has perfected an unusual art form:
the lo-cal snack of speculative fiction.”
Publishers Weekly

Trade Paperback : Amazon and Barnes & Noble
Hardcover : Amazon and Barnes & Noble


Buffalogic, Inc.



contains “Buffalo Dogs,” the first Amazing Conroy story,
and “Telepathic Intent”

Amazon and Barnes & Noble

the first Amazing Conroy novelette, “Buffalogenesis”

Amazon and Barnes & Noble

contains two Amazing Conroy stories, “The Matter at Hand” and “Requiem”

Amazon and Barnes & Noble


The Age of Wonders Strange New Worlds III Low Port
includes my story “Bug Juice” includes my story “jubHa’
in Klingon!
includes my story
“Bidding the Walrus”
All Star Zeppelin Adventure Stories TEL : Stories Visual Journeys
includes my
Damon Runyon pastiche
“The Sky’s The Limit”
includes my story
“Stations of the Cheeseburger”
includes the Amazing Conroy story
“A Buffalito of Mars”
Breach the Hull Desolate Places Barren Worlds
includes my story “Thresher” includes my story
“What Doesn’t Stay in Vegas”
includes my story
“Gift Time”
The Magic in the Mirrorstone Footprints Destination: Future
includes my story
“The Amulet in Winter”
includes my
Hugo Award nominated story
“The Moment”
includes my story
“Mars Needs Baby Seals”
The Stories in Between Transtories Global Warming Aftermaths
includes my story
“The Wrestler and the Spear Fisher”
includes the Amazing Conroy story “Yesterday’s Taste” includes my story
“Marcy of the Seals”
ReDeus: Divine Tales Colinthology ReDeus: Beyond Borders Tales
includes my story
“Coca Xocolātl”
includes the Amazing Conroy story
“A Buffalito of Mars”
includes my story
“Singing for the Man”
ReDeus: Native Lands World Jumping Funny Science Fiction
includes my story
“The Fourth Person”
includes the Amazing Conroy novella
“Trial of the Century”
includes my story
Nebula Awards Showcase 2016 Pangaea Nebula Awards Showcase 2017
includes an excerpt of my novella
“Calendrical Regression”
includes my story
“Three Halves Ambition”
includes an excerpt of my novel
Barsk: The Elephants’ Graveyard
Pangaea II
includes my story