
DaHjaj Hol 110319 – fighting and breathing #tlhIngan #tlh

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Hello, and welcome. You’re listening to DaHjaj Hol, your daily dose of Klingon language. I’m your host, Lawrence Schoen.

If you tuned in yesterday, you know that I’m off in New York this weekend, fulfilling my obligations as the author Guest of Honor at Lunacon. Not to worry though, before heading off to the convention I recorded this podcast for you, because I know you’ve been working hard all week and you’ve earned a new proverb. Here it is:

Suvbe’chugh SuvwI’ tlhuHbe’ SuvwI’
if the warrior does not fight, he does not breathe

Something rather profound, don’t you think? You may find it useful, even valuable, to reflect on this proverb. What does it tell you about the psyche of the Klingon warrior? And, for that matter, what does it say about your own aspirations as a language warrior? Consider, it’s not enough just to fight and breathe for language, it has to open worlds too. qo’mey poSmoH Hol.

* * *

Buffalito Contingency This week the podcast is brought to you by

Buffalito Contingency

by Lawrence M. Schoen

the latest novel in the ongoing adventures
of the Amazing Conroy, a stage hypnotist traveling the galaxy
with his alien pet, a buffalito named Reggie who can eat anything
and farts oxygen!

debuting at Lunacon, March 18 – 20, 2011

Buffalito Contingency


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