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Hello, and welcome. You’re listening to DaHjaj Hol, your daily dose of Klingon language.
I’m your host, Lawrence Schoen and today is Wednesday, January 26th, 2011 and I’m going to give you a splendid bit of chuvmey today. Something simple, because I know you’ve been absorbing a lot of new vocabulary lately. The nice thing about leftovers is that even a single one can let you try it with all the rest of the words you already know, building ever more interesting sentences.
Here’s today’s:
nIteb. That’s N, Capital I, T, E, B. nIteb is one of the few two syllable words you’ll run across in Klingon.
It means alone or acting alone
Let’s try it with a few sample sentences:
nIteb romuluSngan Suvrup charwI’
the slimy one is ready to fight the Romulan alone
nIteb Hagh jabwI’lI’ ‘ach maghung
we are hungry, but your waiter laughs alone
nIteb chom HoH mu’mey
words alone killed the bartender
It’s simple, but there’s some subtlety to it that you’ll appreciate as you try other combinations.
I’m wondering if you’ll use this word a dozen times today in practice, or not. The only thing holding you back is how much of a commitment you’re willing to make. I’m here every day. And every day I remind you of the same possibility:
qo’mey poSmoH Hol, Language Opens Worlds.
Today’s podcast is brought to you by The Klingon Dictionary, by Marc Okrand. |
Tags: Klingon
I think we learned that the suffix lI’ means ‘your’—could it mean ‘our’ as well? If not, then “nIteb Hagh jabwI’lI’ ‘ach maghung” translates to “we are hungry, but *your* waiter laughs alone”
01.26.11 at 10:19 am
Leah, you’re completely correct!
I’m not sure how this glitch slipped in, but I’m going with the theory that dropped the “Y” in my script, and so read the English wrong (though the Klingon is right). I’ve uploaded the fix.
01.26.11 at 11:15 am
Well, that just proves I should have been listening instead of reading. I think you’d suggested we submit a few practice phrases to the blog? Here are a few that I came up with. Corrections/comments are welcome. I’m especially uncertain of the word order of the last one. Thanks!
reH Qel yIvoq
[always trust your doctor]
tugh nISwI’ jItu’
[I will soon find the disrupter]
nIteb mu’mey qawjaj ngIjwI’
[may the unruly one remember the words]
batlh Heghrup DevwI’
[the leader is ready to die with honor]
nIteb nov Suvrup tej ‘ach yIhagh
[you laugh, but the scientist is ready to fight the alien alone]
01.26.11 at 2:27 pm
Leah, some of these look fine, others have problems. I’m going to hold off commenting on the problematic ones, to leave room for other listeners to chime in (part of the point of suggesting people post was to get you to mingle). If that doesn’t happen in a timely manner, then I’ll respond.
01.26.11 at 3:00 pm
reH Qel yIvoq needs a suffix on Qel. It should be reH QellI’ yIvoq
tugh nISwI’ jItu’ has the wrong prefix on the verb. jI- cannot take an object. I’ll give you the right prefix on Sunday.
nIteb mu’mey qawjaj ngIjwI’ doesn’t need nIteb, given your translation.
nIteb nov Suvrup tej ‘ach yIhagh wants to have the two phrases swapped around. And you need a capital H for Hagh. Also remember that yI- indicates a command, which isn’t how your example reads. Consider instead:
yIHagh ‘ach nIteb nov Suvrup tej
Laugh! But the scientist is ready to fight the alien alone.
01.28.11 at 4:37 am